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Stanislav Vasilev Madman10K
C and C++ software developer. I work on games, game engines, cross-platform graphical applications and more

@MadLadSquad @metacraft-labs @Heapforge Sofia, Bulgaria

Jeff kamiyaa
Backend Engineer @hyperlane-xyz | In my free time, I enjoy building and contributing to open source projects.

Hyperlane Toronto

Kalin Hristov kalinsky-dev
Highly motivated and dedicated TypeScript Web Developer with a diverse experience in the construction industry.
zilong.dai zilong-dai
What does when mean? Rust, C++, Go Developer. ZK Engineer @QEDProtocol

QEDProtocol ShenZhen

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
jaybuidl jaybuidl
Builder @kleros

@kleros asia-grid19-shard3

edbert Gator (edgar) edbertkwesiek
i am a Reader and learner @ heart who believes in the power of Quantum and Blockchain technologies to transform society. I love Programming and mathematics.


Krasimir Stoimenov KRSKrasi
I design user experiences and interfaces alongside software engineers and product owners who adapt technologies to create value for users.


Emil Ivanichkov EmilIvanichkovv

@blocksense-network | @metacraft-labs Sofia, Bulgaria