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Yihang Bai yihangbaileeds
PhD student in Urban Analytics
Qifan Nie qnie1
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering @ The University of Alabama

Tuscaloosa, AL

Tobias Vlćek beyondsimulations
Mathematical programming, geospatial data and simulations.

University of Hamburg | BeyondSimulations GmbH Hamburg, Germany

Jonas Jostmann jonasjostmann
PhD Student @ KTH

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm


Technische Universität Berlin Berlin

Omkar Parishwad parishwadomkar
A Transport analyst optimizing for integrated renewable energy usage for Electric Vehicles, visualization capabilities with system development and management.

Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg, Sweden

HudsonShi HudsonShi
ex-IBMer CHD/SIT/PhD @ U of Alabama Open Source GeoAI AI for Mobility Enthusiast Computational Social Scientist ABM RL

University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL

Bonald Ziyue LI bonaldli
Zig-zag to Machine Learning

University of Cologne Germany; Hong Kong


Tattva Foundation Lucknow

Max Buchholz 1Maxnet1

datagon GmbH Germany

Ruihao Zeng AndrewBarker0621
stay foolish

TransportLab, USyd Sydney, Australia

Zakir Farahmand zakirfarahmand

University of Twente Netherlands

Rico Herzog herzogrh

@citysciencelab Hamburg, Germany

Yi Zhu zhuyiNBU

Ningbo University China(Mainland)

Hao Wu haowuintub

Technical University of Munich Munich