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Jefferson Petilo jpetilo

TWND Salvador,Bahia,Brasil

Ryan Potter ryamber

EngageApps Montrose, CO

Joven A. Barola jovenbarola
#SoftwareEngineer #FullStackWebDeveloper #CloudEngineer #DevOps Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines

Roberto Marzialetti robmarzialetti
I say about myself that I am a humanist lent to IT.

@Nimesia Montegiorgio

Gavin Baumanis gavinbaumanis
Aim high and allow yourself to fail miserably

CentraCX Melbourne, Australia

Zac Spitzer zspitzer
Community Manager @lucee

Pixl8 Berlin, Germany

Akimtech akimtech
Akimtech, is a software development company that specialize in legacy financial application management systems for government agencies.

Akim Information Technology Services, Corp Washington, DC

MvdO79 MvdO79
Web Developer - BSc Psychology

Webburo Spring Gouda

Keeyana Jones keeyanajones
Full-stack developer crafting immersive web, game, and streaming experiences with JavaScript and emerging tech. Exploring AI/ML integrations.

Detroit, Michigan, USA

Simon simon-fermor

Timeshift Media, Inc Rochester, Minnesota

Tony Junkes tonyjunkes
Software Engineer

Bentek South Florida

Aaron William West tallpeak
sqlexpert on fb & linkedin; Learning Scala,Rust

Bellevue, WA