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Sergey Chernov web-inwall
I write in PHP and Laravel

Luiz Felipe Anunciato Nobre LuizAnunciato
I am passionate about Neural Chips and I will specialize in Neurotechnology. Currently, I am studying Computer Science 🖱️.

academiadodropbrasil Jacareí, SP

Leandro Gehlen leandrogehlen
Software engineer full-stack Web development, AWS cloud computing and hybrid mobile developer

Chapecó, Brazil

Jefferson Gonçalves jeffersongoncalves
PHP/Laravel developer from Brazil 🇧🇷


Ahmed El-Maalawi Ahmed-Maalawi
PHP | Laravel Back-End Developer

Maadi, Cairo

JonasBrandit JonasBrandit
Owner of


Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Fadel Waheed Fadelwahed
Director of Technology & Business Solutions @dce


Zuruh Zuruuh
Web dev, php, typescript, docker, rust, profile picture from


Hasan Baig hasan4it
I am a full-Stack PHP and Laravel web developer. I mostly worked on backend applications and API integrations.

Axioms Consulting Islamabad, Pakistan

Michael Nabil michaelnabil230
👋 CEO and Founder of Apps Cell | 🚀 Laravel Contributor and Web Developer | 💡 Open Source Enthusiast | Let's innovate together!

@apps-cell-tech Egypt, Cairo

Prince rockblings
🌟 Software Developer | Laravel Expert | React Ninja 💻 Crafting seamless web experiences. 🚀 Passionate about learning and exploring new tech.

CreativeCrafts Solutions

Riliwan Balogun riliwanrabo
Laravel - VueJS - Nuxt - UX - DApps Enthusiast 💀

Fincra Lagos, Nigeria

Yetimeshet Tadesse yetimnew
Passionate Full Stack Developer

HST Ethiopian Addis Abeba

No name doraemonxxx
In the quietude of idleness, one maintains regal composure, contemplating with the depth befitting a monarch.

Neverland Somewhere in Neverland

Emil Hørlyck emilhorlyck
🚀 Head of Technology @ Signifly 🎓 MSc Business Administration and E-Business @ CBS 🔍 Interested in digital transformation and Business development


Kristian Aksland kapir
Fullstack developer #proptech

@HeimeAS Stavanger

Zia Uddin Robin nzian
slim laravel symfony php mysql vue Dhaka, Bangladesh

Anamarija Papić anamarijapapic
💻 Software Engineer @Agilo // 🎓 Student at University Department of Professional Studies, University of Split

@Agilo Split, Croatia

M.Mukhtar96 munzir1996
Software Engineer, Web Developer. Rise and Rise again until Lambs become Lions

CTC Group LTD. Khartoum-Sudan

Rózsa Zoltán rozsazoltan
Laravel, Pest, MySQL | Vite, TypeScript, Vue, Vitest | Tailwind


Nils poldixd
Father and Laravel developer from Berlin.

Berlin – Germany

Anton Paramonov paramonovav
Full Stack Developer at ForaTeam


Wilsen Hernández wilsenhc
Laravel Artisan. Full Stack Developer.

IPM Scoutek Valencia, Venezuela

Bas van Dinther Baspa
Passionate full stack developer building web apps and working / collaborating on open source projects.

Baspa, Vormkracht10 Gemert, The Netherlands

David Harting davidharting
It's a great day to build software ☀️

@dbt-labs Indianapolis, IN

Full-stack developer and all around computer enthusiast.


Mohamed Gamal mgamal92

Sr. Backend Developer Egypt

AJ aj-norman
Web Developer - Primarily working with PHP/Laravel and JS/Vue

Bristol, UK

Anthony Rave anthonyrave
Laravel enjoyer

Strasbourg, France

Job Verplanke jobverplanke
Backend Developer (PHP/Laravel)

The Netherlands

Vincenzo Petrucci nahime0
Full-stack developer. Open source enthusiast. Ethical hacker.

Illegal Studio Pescara

Axel Libori Roch alibori
Father and Software Developer (Wordpress, Laravel, Angular, Flutter). Passionate about development and Laravel fanatic! My goal: learn, learn and learn! Sant Fruitós de Bages

Phillip Fickl phillipfickl

@webcrab-at Málaga, Spain

Nelson Martell nelson6e65
Passionate Full-stack Web developer, skilled in Laravel, Vue.js, and Ionic Angular. Expert in scalable solutions for back-end and front-end apps.

@elegantech Peru, Lima

Don't give up, Invest myself

Hong Kong

André Domingues andrefelipe18
I wasn't old enough to open my eyes and I already knew the laravel architecture. Laravel | Livewire | Nuxt Enthusiast

Lins - SP

Viktor Szépe szepeviktor
I make your web application's life happy 📡 Proactive Operator for hire, DevOps services from a detail-oriented person for #SaaS and open-source packages

G2RM+5M Budapest

Lloric Mayuga Garcia lloricode

Publicis Groupe (Digitas Philippines) Philippines

Arash Dehghani arashactive
Application Maintenance and Development with PHP (Laravel), HTML, and MySQL or Postgresql.

Mint Tehran

Brad Miller mad-briller
Staff Engineer at @yourparkingspace

@YourParkingSpace Manchester, UK

AJ devajmeireles
FullStack PHP Developer. Laravel Artisan. YouTuber on @euseiphp. Maintainer for @pestphp. Creator of @tallstackui

Curotec Brazil

Kelvin Murumba ItsMurumba
Software Engineer

Nairobi, Kenya