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Umar Shakoor Umarshakoor
Follow me @Umarshakoor42


< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer (Rust / Solidity / Typescript) • 3D • Designer • Polkadot Blockchain Academy PBA-X Cohort #1 Alum • Upcoming: PBA Campus Lucerne
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Halil Enes halilenesozdemir
Software Developer at Turkcell Group Company Atmosware

Turkcell Ankara

Moayed Mustafa moayed-mustafa
Frontend web developer! I like working with JS and CSS, React all day!

Asgard Dubai

Manuel Agustín Miglioranza mmiglioranza22
Full Stack Web Development


Jeniffen Chandrabalan Jeniffen
Enthusiast of all things data

RB Leipzig

Latish Sehgal latish

Javascript Developer Dallas, TX

Jose Rodriguez-Salinas alberto-salinas

Dropbox San Francisco Bay Area

Souleymane Sy SouleymaneSy7
“A bug is never just a mistake. It represents something bigger. An error of thinking. That makes you who you are.” — Elliot Alderson - Mr. Robot

Guinée, Conakry

SHUBHAM BISWAS shubhamdevs
Hello World!, I am a tech enthusiast and a developer, learning Data Science.


Ikenna Onuoha maikel-mattiu
Aspiring creative web and frontend developer


Riza Nugraha rnugraha
Front-end developer based in Utrecht The Netherlands.


Naveen Kaluva nkaluva9

Microsoft - Nuance Burlington

Jaime Martínez Rincón jamezrin
Bleeding edge enjoyer and shift-left believer. ❤️ FOSS

@sngular @inditex Madrid, Spain

Leela Sai Prasanth leelasaiprasanth
Software Engineer & Artist | Ex - @tcser


Hello world


Sarang ranga27

Netcompany London

Dawood M.Shoaib dawoodkhatri1
Junior Web Developer @I.T. For Less | Full Stack Developer | Laravel Developer | Backend Developer | Web Developer | Machine Learning Enthusiast | AI Enthusiast

Karachi, Pakistan

Développeur Front-End/ REACT JS


Javaid Khan JavaidAhmadKhan
Software Dev @swiftbittechnologies | Linux, JavaScript, ReactJs,NextJs, React Native | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator.

Kashmir India

Craig Porter craigaporter
Developer/Consultant .. building on bitcoin.

Noscere Glasgow, Scotland

William pwli0755
Fish developer.

Xi'an, China

Dotorimook, 정광묵 seolleung2
좋은 동료들과 함께 일하고 성장해 나가는 멋진 개발자가 되고 싶습니다.🔥

seoul, Korea

Anurag Tyagi anuragtyagi-dev
This just the Nerd-E world we're living in.....
Software Engineer with a love for JavaScript and React. I am available for new opportunities

Megagig Software Solutions lagos, Nigeria

Nitin Mangrule NitinMangrule
Senior Frontend Developer 😍

BlackRock Pune

samhou1988 samhou1988
A Web Developer

News Beijing, China

Miguel Chito donxito
Full Stack Developer with Frontend focus, fascinated by web applications, who focuses on user experience and interface design


Andrew Oplas andrewoplas
Software Developer

Algert Cebu City, Philippines

Việt viettl
Just a dude who drinks coffee and looks at bugs in my code...

Saigon, Vietnam