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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Amit Mittal amit-mittal
Software Engineer at @yext

IIT Guwahati New York, USA

Daniel Galvan daniel-galvan

Hearsay Systems Mexico

José Manuel Pérez jperezg86

Tecprosolutions México, Mex.

Jose GSS JoseG95
Software, technology, science and aliens geek. 🤖🤓💻

Mexico City

Luis Enrique luisenriqueas

Yext Ciudad de México

Gonzalo Mena-Mendoza gmena
Senior software developer and architect with over 30 years of professional experience

Queretaro, Mexico

Balazs Biro birobali

Hearsay Systems Budapest

Lauren Wyatt LaurenWyatt610
Engineering manager who cultivates an environment of trust and autonomy, where every individual's strengths can shine.

@yext Apex, NC

Udit Khanna Udit-K
Software Engineer w/ Java, Python, Golang | AWS | Interested in Microservices and the Cloud

@hearsaycorp Seattle, Washington