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well.james sgf
focus🎯C# I don't have enough time&money in open source. I need keep full-time job. HOPE=10k$/m,NOW=3k$/m

Atahan atahanceylan
Software Craftsman

Konplan s.r.o. Prague

Rich Ross richross

@Microsoft Philadelphia, PA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


John johnwildes
🇺🇸 ⚓

Cognizant - Microsoft Business Group Chicago, IL

Omar Shohid Khan omarshohid
Sr. Software Engineer | Web, mobile & data solutions | Laravel, FastAPI, C#, .NET, Python, SQL Server, Databases

Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) Dhaka, Bangladesh

Ozan Akaydın oznakdn
Software Developer
Robert K the-rob

Charlie Tango Poland

Marcio Rodrigues msrmarcio
I am a lover of Games, programming and technology. I really like game development too. I currently work with Microsoft technologies. talk to me

Titan Tech São Paulo, Brazil

Tarek Mansour tarekmansour
Software Craftsman Engineer


Denis Frolov denisyfrolov
Customer Engineer @microsoft

@Microsoft Dubai

Pratham_Gauswami Pratham-Gauswami
Hello there! I'm Pratham Gauswami, an university student on a journey into the tech realm.
ghostNoté ghostnotee

Antalya | Gotham City

Geisson Oliveira geissonlucaso

Home Office Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil

Martin Morin martin-morin
Senior Software Developer and DevOps Specialist at Hypertherm

Hypertherm Inc

Sebastian N. snagy22000
12 Year+ Microsoft Consultant 👍 | Cloud Expert 🛠 | Software Engineering 💻 | Problem Solver 💡 | Technology Addicted 🚀

Lakeside Solution Austria

Carlos BC carlosbcdev
Me gusta resolver problemas y suelo escribir las soluciones que encuentro en c#, blazor, javascript, react y nextjs