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Teszáry Péter peterteszary

PurplePie Deszk, Hungary

ismail oxismailxo


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Michiel mwbreur
Just some noob trying to figure this out :)
Gutiz GutiZ47
I’m a newbie testing the waters with homelabs and robotics. I have a machinist and fabrication background. Hoping to become a mechatronics engineer.


Mohamed Elsheikh slorksmo
👋 Hi, I’m @slorksmo 👀 I’m interested in Python 🐍 🌱 I’m currently learning Programming 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on learning about Python 📫 How to

Nefertoma Aromatherpy Egypt

Muliru Scofield Muliruscofield
I am researcher in the Horn of Africa

Scofield Associates Kenya

Ali Eren Alierenkayhan
Developer | DevOps | Full Stack Developer | Dotnet, React, C#, Python, PHP, React, Redux, React Native

Memoria Bilişim ve Medya A.Ş. Istanbul, Turkey

ouchyn ouchyn
This is Ouchyn.

Techloominate Myanmar

Darwin Mavares demavares
Ingeniero de Sistemas. Web developer #FullStack (#FrontEnd and #BackEnd), UX/UI designer, #Freeland. революция 🇷🇺 🇨🇳 🇵🇸 🇻🇪 ★.

Ubiao Ciudad Ojeda, Venezuela

iban ibanhb

@superiore-consulting Mexico

He’s a tryer!


Gabriel Amorim AmorimMG
Hi! I'm a software developer, i like to write code from time to time

Meta3 Contagem, Brazil

Muhammet DÜLGER dulgermuhammet
Wordpress Developer


Viacheslav ViaKotov
Law-abiliding citizen 😎 ---- Learning C# 🧔💻👨‍💻
Adrian-Mihai Almajanu aalmaja
Happy to manage systems and develop games. 🤷‍♂️
Omar schlautel
Schlau Petroleum OÜ is an Estonian company that provides energy solutions for global market, touching markets with a variety of procurement, logistics, & tech

Schlau Petroleum Estonia, Germany

Fath Nojoum fathnojoum
Saya hanya seorang santri pecinta IT, sebenernya mah gakbisa apa-apa. Orang bodoh yang ingin mengikuti perkembangan zaman saja sih. hehehe

Nojoum Studio Indonesia