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Aline AlineSilv
Desenvolvendo Projetos Pessoais no Github | Estudante de Ciência da Computação | Desenvolvedora Full Stack

---- Belo Horizonte - MG

Priscila Cabral cabralpriscila
Back End Developer at @sejavitat Communities: @railsgirls@devs-javagirl@he4rt

@sejavitat Brazil

Suami Rocha suamirochadev
Flutter Developer 🩵


Julio Memelli Memelli
Studying Computer Engineering. Fullstack dev with Node.js, Express, MySQL, MongoDB, React and Next experience.


Thebestlucc thebestlucc
The answer is 42.

Loja Integrada | Pagali Chapecó - SC

Pão paodelonga
i like computers, programming & lower_case. reach me anywhere at handle @paodelonga.

São Luís, Brasil

Audrey Teles audreyteles
I am a developer and a technology enthusiast...

UFVJM | STI | DSI Minas Gerais

zoeyrinha zoedsoupe
Software bricklayer and Computer Science student and of course, a great cook

Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil

Fabi Rodrigues frontfabi
Make the difference! Keep being weird!

@grupoboticario @belezanaweb

Bruno Barros brunobarros2093
Senior Developer #opensource #java #go


Paulo Silveira prsilveira
Web Developer | NodeJS Developer.


Lucas Queiroz lucasqueiroz
Software Engineer @pagefreezer. Contributor to the @faker-ruby project.

@pagefreezer São Paulo

Kevin Ferreira ksilvafe
CTO & Founder @co-finampy

Finampy João Pessoa

GoisNeto goisneto

São Luis, MA, Brasil

Antonio Carlos Fernandes Gomes Filho antonioN313
Fatec Sorocaba 4/6 ADS ETEC Fernando Prestes 3/3 DS


Dusan Malusev CodeLieutenant
Senior Software developer at ScyllaDB. Go Coder, PHP-ScyllaDB/Cassandra Driver maintainer

@scylladb Serbia

Vitor Sanches vitorxfs
Hey! 😊 I'm a full stack web developer based in Brazil


Carol Sauhi carolsauhi
Like a developer in automation and programming, I am continue to learning and studying a lot.


Rodolfo Carvalho iTzRodz
Desenvolvedor Web


Laíssa Saraiva LaissaSaraiva
Front-end Developer | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | React | Jest | Node.js


Letícia Sampietro lesampietro
Graphic Designer learning C :)

São Paulo

Gabriel Matos Lourenço GabrielMatoss
Desenvolvedor Backend. Constantemente buscando melhorar minhas habilidades.


Danilo Fernando danilobossanova
I write code. Kotlin, PLSQL, Java, Spring, C#, PHP, Sankhya

DCCO Goiânia

Marina Reis marireis

Capgemini Teresina-PI

Leonardo Vanzei vanzei
Continuous Leaning

Viavi Solutions Atlanta

Felipi Lima Matozinho Matozinho
Full Stack developer | Typescript | Next.Js/React.Js | Nest.Js | Rust

Smart BR Soluções Tecnológicas Maringá

João Vitor joaovjo
Técnico em Desenvolvimento de Sistema - Membro na He4rt Developers #he4rt

Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brasil

Renan Vidal Rodrigues RenanVidal

Student Cachoeira Paulista - SP, Brasil

Andressa Santos andressansantos
Desenvolvendo a desenvolvedora!

Andressa Codes Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil

Rafael Citario rafaelcitario
Desenvolvedor Web com foco em Backend. Curioso por tecnologia desde sempre, com objetivo de se tornar um Arquiteto de Software. Brazil

Pablo Alessandro Santos Hugen Tomcat-42
Low level witchraftery 🧙.

Bry Tecnologia Cascavel-PR

Juliana Machado ju14x
backend software developer, civil engineer. figuring stuff out


Jean Markis Maarkis

São Paulo, Brazil

Mateus moovmooov

São Paulo - SP

Vinicius wessner ViniciusWessner
Student Software engineer

Anota Ai Brasil

Lucas Dantas lucas-dantas10
Backend Developer | Symfony | Laravel | Spring Boot | PHP | PostgreSQL | Docker | Linux

Vox Tecnologia Rio de Janeiro