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Jeff jeffscaturro-aka
Experienced engineering leader with a proven track record in delivering scalable software solutions and building high-performing, collaborative teams.

@AnyKindaApp Remote

Mateus Oliveira MateusPersonalProjects
A Computer Science student that loves Data Science and Software Development. Just a beginner, have fun looking at the projects!

Federal University of Paraná Brazil

AU_gdev_19 Dargon789


Haikal sayang minji Yujinism
jangqn lupa sholat dan jadi penjilat dosen

djuanda university

Borisavetije Znicalo LudvigVanMetoten
Testing OS; beta; "is all about hat" ; games & .develop (just wanna learn to be user & don't wanna know what OS is)


Stephen Stucky thestuckster
Aspiring evil mastermind. Below average hockey player.

Guidewire Software Birmingham, Alabama


Stratholme, Eastern Plaguelands

Noval Agung Prayogo novalagung
World of Warcraft Loremaster | CTO | FOSS Contributor | Technology, LEGO, and Game enthusiast

CTO @ KangarooHealth Inc. Malang, Indonesia

Zynix0815 n00p-tools
... some special leet coding, scripting, apps and tools
Juliano Grobério fyrhen
Frontend Developer | React & Vue

Upcities Vila Velha, Brazil

Grumpy Old Gamer
