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Lalit Kale lalitkale
Engineer with curiosity

ATechieThought Labs Dublin, Ireland

Xiangxu iasonliu
Keep Walking


Rickey Zachary rzachary

@Thoughtworks Atlanta, GA

Jefferson Lucas Gomes ijefin
Let's code!

Minas Gerais

Camilla Gomes cgomestw

Thoughtworks São Paulo



Fuqiang Dong fuqiangdong01
Science and technology change the world, innovation shapes the future.


Anthony Ikeda anthonyikeda-cf

Cloudy Engineering San Francisco, CA

Brian Sayler saylerb
Software Developer @ Thoughtworks

Denver, CO

Kief Morris kief
Cloud infrastructure engineer at Thoughtworks. Author of Infrastructure as Code (O'Reilly)

ThoughtWorks London

Kyle Chamberlin KyleChamberlin

@ThoughtWorksInc Grand Rapids, MI

Kyle OrcinusSolutions
Wandering aerospace engineer writing code

Orcinus Solutions Atlanta, GA

David Montoya davidmontoyago
Prototypes. SRE @expel-io

@expel-io Chicago

Ed edtbl76 <-- You can find me here!


Jakub j-a-k-u-b

@ThoughtWorks Michigan

Saager Mhatre dexterous
All software development[*] is either delivering value or stamp collecting; and I don't collect stamps.

New York