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Abderrahim abdedarghal111
Actualmente estudiante, amante de la programación y la tecnología.


Dyplay Dyplay
Hey I am a Frontend & Backend Web Developer from Austria, Vienna mostly working with the frameworks: React.js and Vue.js, Next.js

Atos Techn. Austria GmbH Austria

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Daniel G. DGoodman17
Focusing in JS/TS/Kotlin
8 years of experience with Lua. 3.5 years of experience with TypeScript.

Östergötland, Sweden

Ralty Raltyro
Mostly contains FNF Repos im lazy to clean up my repos, probably will be filled with nitg and fnf stuff more later :P

my home Indonesia, Jakarta, Bekasi

Colman Le Roux coleleroux
Software Developer

Toronto, Canada

George Butler georgebutler
Full-stack web and game developer from San Francisco, California

Niantic, Inc. San Francisco, California

Roblox developer

United States

salcret salcret
Lead developer & programmer @ Tw1sted
