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ChuckJohn Chazzersize
Humbly looking for how to do this better

Orion Growth Charlotte

Nickolas Jensen nickolasjensen Las Vegas

Wouter Schoofs WouterSchoofs
I love technology, co-working, design, people with energy, working with brilliant people and creating something out of nothing

@ZapFloorHQ Antwerp

Jeremy Gulley Rhombus-Jeremy

@RhombusSystems Los Angeles, California, United States

Andrew Rodgers acedrew

ACE IoT Solutions Chattanooga, TN

Grigorii Eleskin Nyarum
Senior Golang, Zig fanboy, Elixir lover In free time doing reverse engineering, server-sides and AI drive development

1inch Georgia

[ Taha. Dostifam‍ ] tahadostifam
👾 Software Engineer | 🦀 Rustacean | ☕️ Compiler Design Enthusiast

@cyrus-lang Iran/Bonab

Alexander ADAM alexanderadam
Software developer in Zug / Zürich / Switzerland

@vade-io Zürich, Switzerland