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Benoit de Chezelles bew
Happy dev hacking configs and playing with Nix (:

DevOps @ Orness / IbanFirst Paris

Collin Arnett collinarnett
Currently interested in the intersection between Deep Learning, Haskell and DevOps.

@LitAI-LLC @VivsoftOrg Washington DC

Serhii Khoma srghma

Ukranian from Donetsk, rn in Cambodia

Philip Taron philiptaron
I'm Philip Taron. By day, I work @Qumulo building a distributed filesystem. @PhilipTaronQ is my work account.

@Qumulo Tacoma, WA

RyzeNGrind RyzeNGrind
DevOps/MLOps/Web3 Engineer | SRE | SWE


Riya Bisht chococandy63
21, interested in Computer Architecture & exploring low-level systems programming

[email protected] 0x0

Alex Jackson ajaxbits

@upside-services Chicago

Josef Kemetmüller knedlsepp
1 number cruncher.

Vienna, Austria

Bryan Honof bryanhonof
Software Engineer @flox

@flox Belgium

Ilan Joselevich Kranzes
Nix and Tvix developer

Freelance Israel

Paul Haerle phaer
cloud plumber, working on the @NixOS ecosystem

@numtide Vienna, Austria

Florian Friesdorf chaoflow

Co-Founder Ternaris Canarias

Johannes Kirschbauer hsjobeki
full-time cat keyboard guardian. If you find any purr-fectly strange commits, you know who walked across the keys!


Arijit Basu sayanarijit
Just a ninja doing hand signs on a keyboard

Kolkata, India