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Hazel Thomas KannaDev
IT Support, Infrastructure & Graduate of the Aviva Foundry. Passionate about music, software development & infrastructure. Contact: @ friendships on Discord

Norwich, United Kingdom

Shaun Hoffer SSP6904
Self-taught developer, has skills with JavaScript, PHP, HTML and CSS, is a content creator, and is the CEO of @TTNRT and is partnered with @NetroCorp

@TTNRT Waterford, Michigan

bedroomvampire bedroomvampire
Local vampire artist living in a bedroom.

the bedroom

22 y/o - A diehard computer nerd by heart, an advocate for human rights by cause, and a content creator for fun.


Sean | TheOceanBreeze TheOceanBreeze
TheOceanBreeze GitHub. Find projects I am working on and contributing to here.

@Aclevo United States

TheCodingGuy Aisuruneko
I do things.

@NetroCorp United States