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Chindriș Mihai Alexandru chindris-mihai-alexandru
memento mori

Siemens Romania Cluj-Napoca

Josh Pazmino jmpaz


Michael Chen ML-Chen
Member of Policy Staff at METR • ex-Software Engineer at Stripe • Georgia Tech

Stripe San Francisco

We're a group of MIT students conducting research to reduce risk from advanced AI.

MIT AI Alignment Cambridge, MA

Enrique eaguaida
Research Engineer, Interpretability.

Equistamp London, UK

Martin Milbradt | Milli Martin-Milbradt
I'm passionate about handing over tasks we don't enjoy to automation. That even applies to games where the interface sometimes does not behave the way I want.

Freelancer Berlin

Ishan Mukherjee ishanjmukherjee
Northwestern CS '26

Chicago, IL

Kade Heckel kmheckel
Marshall Scholar '22

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Seb Ben M'Barek sebbenmbarek

@normanandsons London, UK

Brandon Jaipersaud brandonjaipersaud
Uncovering Implicit Biases in LLMs

Vector Institute Toronto, Canada

Thao Pham thaopham03
CS & Math @ Berea College 2026

Berea College Greater Lexington Area

I. David Rein idavidrein
alignment research; early employee @cohere-ai
drozdj drozdj
5W/kg one day


Ria Deane riadeane
UC Chile Software Engineer :)

UC Chile Santiago, Chile

Agustín Covarrubias agucova
I do a bit of everything, but nothing especially well.

Santiago, Chile

Gatlen Culp GatlenCulp
3rd year at MIT studying CS, AI, and econ. Interested in AI Safety from many angles.

@KellisLab Cambridge, MA


Naible Inc.

Yaroslav yaroslavyaroslav
OpenAI-sublime-text author. Passionate about performance, NLP and especially LLM.


Austin Songer, CISSP austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead, MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran)

Chicago, Illinois

AI Safety Research Fellow

Apart Research France

Theresa Thoraldson tthoraldson
⚡️ currently discovering AI ⚡️

@RhythmSystems @OpenMined Minneapolis, MN

Christopher Canal chriscanal
I am an entrepreneur focused on AI safety.

Equistamp Austin, TX

Solaris luxinyu1

ISCAS Beijing

Wendy Sun sun-wendy
AI & physics at MIT

MIT Cambridge, MA

Ethan He ethanhe42
AI @NVIDIA | ex @facebookresearch | CMU | 7k citations 20k followers

@NVIDIA Santa Clara, CA

Sean Nachtrab Nachtraven
ML/Software Engineer at OTIV, - Computer Scientist KCL & EPL


Milan Weibel Bacovic weibac
Student at UC Chile

Santiago, Chile

rg-ai-dionic rggithub7
Building a safe future of Trustworthy and Responsible AI


David Pomerenke davidpomerenke
Developing for the Ministry for Development, monitoring media impact with the Media Impact Monitor.

@Datenlabor-BMZ @SocialChangeLab Berlin

Andrew Zhao Andrewzh112
PhD in Machine Learning

Tsinghua University Beijing, China