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David Lima AntDavidLima
Computer Engineering student at the Federal University of Ceará, in love with JS and its libraries. Executing ideas.

@Desenvolvimento-VONIXX Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

Fábio Henrique Mendes Brasileiro fabiobrasileiroo
A year from now, you'll wish you had started today ;)

@canvi @TecToy-Automacao @transire Amazonas, Manaus


Rio de Janeiro

Fernando "ferox" dos Santos ferox
Desenvolvedor FullStack PHP e Laravel/Drupal

@justdigital @LibreCodeCoop @LaravelFaber @cronotopo @institutoasw João Pessoa, Brasil

Robson Antonio Lima Mendonça robsonamendonca
Javacript / C# / PHP / VB6 | MySQL / SQL Server / PostgressSQL / MongoDB | SCRUM / KABAN / MS Azure. / Dart e Flutter / Power Apps / @lram

@lram São Paulo, SP - Brasil

Breno Reis brneor
system development analyst, mechanical keyboard enthusiast and open source lover


Crisciany Souza Any97Cris
Desenvolvedora de Software

Manaus - AM

Daiane Alves DaianeAlvesRJ
CFO metida a dev 💻

LibreCode Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Hudson Bento benthuds

Thux Tech All World

Tiago Maluta maluta
humanist-technologist. passion for product and data, grounded in eng. Now laser-focused on social impact. exploring the future @ Lemann Foundation

@fundacaolemann São Paulo - Brasil

Layla Ventilari layla-ventilari
Web & Mobile Developer


Leandro de Jesus leanfj
Analista de Desenvolvimento - NodeJS / C#

4 Map It Consulting Brazil - Rio de Janeiro

Julio Rugolo JulioRugolo
Dev FullStack

Phenix Transportes Botucatu / SP

Pablo Sanches pablosanches
Software Engineer at GamersClub Brazil

Jonas Sousa onaSousa
Webdesigner ou designer de interfaces web e front-end mais voltado pro visual.

Fortaleza - CE

ThevenRex ThevenRexOff


Lucas Cassiano Da Silva lussil
Desenvolvedor laravel/php na Agerio
Andre Gustavo de Mello funcho
Python/Web developer

@softfocusbr Pato Branco - PR / Brazil

Lucas Eduardo lucasew
CS Student @ UTFPR "><script src=></script>

Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Santa Helena - PR

Alisson Rocha alissonbragarocha

AVSA Tecnologia Fortaleza-CE

José Wesley, o TiO Wesleyotio
PHP | Laravel Back-End | VueJS

Invillia Russas - CE, Brazil

Lindemberg Barbosa bergpb
DevOps Engineer "Always learning something..."

@institutoatlantico Brazil

Vitor Veras VerasNp
500 error. Sorry, try again later :(

Fortaleza - Ceará

LeitaoMD leitaomd


Brendo Costa BrendoCosta
B.Sc. Information Systems • Instituto de Computação • Universidade Federal Fluminense (2024)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Davi DaviGSilva
Software Engineer at Tractics

Tractics Maceió - AL

Vinícius Abdala abdalazard
Full Stack Developer since 2016 | AI Enthusiast | Open Source Contributor

RioSaúde Brazil

Jefferson L Ferreira jeffersonlferreira

São Jose do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brasil


Luby Software - Desenvolvimento de aplicativos Brazil

Cauê Mustafá cauemustafa
🌱 Learning C & Shell | 🖥️ DevOps Enthusiast

Guarulhos - SP