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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

Alberto Santos oalbertosantos

Editora Paulus Maceió/AL

Franklin Bitencourt Dantas Chingling152
Hi! I'm a back-end developer with anime profile pic


Gabriela Silva de Abreu gsabreudev
Conectando sonhos e propósitos através do R&S! 🧡🖤 Low profile que ama o mundo Geek. Mãe de 5 gatos lindos e uma doguinha! Consultora na @dqrtechoficia

@dqrtechoficial Canoas-RS

Marcos skvggor
father — street runner — skateboarder — senior dev at @radixeng // motto: always learning
Petter Oliveira pettersonPadilha
Desenvolvedor full-stack e mobile com formação em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, atualmente cursando pós-graduação em Inteligência Artificial e Machine
Rafael Monteiro Porto rafaelporto
Software engineer with specialization in .NET.

@Nubank Goiânia, Brazil

Samyla Dutra samyladutra

Zup Innovation Belo Horizonte

Brenno Gomes brennogb
Software Engineer


Mauricio Martins mauriciomartinss
Computer Science - UFLA, Brazil

Lavras, MG

João Pedro Moraes joaopedromoraez
Javascript fan 🤓

Belém, Pará, Brazil

Everton William Thoele Schuster evertonschuster
back-end: JAVA and .NET front-end: Razor, React, React Native and Flutter

Grupo casas Bahia / iTactic Missal / Foz do Iguaçu

Douglas SantAnna Figueredo douglassantanna
Angular 2+, .NET Core, SQL Server, Azure

Retail Integration Dublin, Ireland

João Otávio de Farias de Oliveira joaootaviofarias
Computer Science student, C# Developer


Guilherme Ribeiro rollergui
webdev | fp enthusiast


Fábio Henrique Gabriele Fabioh

@itau São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Anderson Pavia andersonaap

São Vicente - SP - Brazil

Gabriel D'Nillo NilloGabriel
Computer Science Student | Technology Enthusiast | Living and learning

Universidade Católica de Brasília Brasília - DF

Henrique Urruth henriqueu96
💻Desenvolvedor | .NET | Typescript | Angular | GoLang | @Lambda3

Lambda3 Porto Alegre

Gustavo Passos theGusPassos
indie game developer wannabe

Wizebank São Paulo

Alana Bacco alanabacco
Full Stack Software Developer | React | Next.js | Node. Computer Engineering Student at UNIVESP.


Roberto Dias Junior robertodjunior
Software Developer na XD Software

XD Software São Paulo