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Renato Silva routinglabs
Consultor e Trainer Cisco / Juniper CCIE RS 60250 Juniper JNCIP-SP

Core IP Services Brazil

Kelly Brazil kellyjonbrazil

San Francisco

Ehsan Momeni Bashusqeh emomeni
● Network Engineer ●● Network Automation Enthusiast ●●● NetDevOps

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Javier Grizzuti jgrizzuti

Juniper Networks Argentina

Jason Costomiris jcostom
Husband, father, technologist. Handy with routing protocols and power tools. Occasionally, handy with text editors and scripting.
Jessica Garrison jessicagarrison
Network Automation Evangelist. STEM Advocate. Permanently tired unicorn.

Juniper Networks Silicon Valley

Etdi J. etdij

Bali, Indonesia


Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Va.

Adrian Arumugam moogzy
I love lamp

@cloudflare Australia

Felipe Videira felipevideiraa
Network Engineer | AS263009

Forte Telecom Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil

David Luu daluu
An avg Joe w/ a penchant hobby for occasionally contributing OSS that may help the greater community (by night). QA, DevOps, Dev by day.

@mistsys Silicon Valley

Losang Jinpa, PhD, MCSE/MCT, Cloud Monk AzureCloudMonk
Losang Jinpa, PhD, MCSE/MCT: Cloud Native DevOps-GitOps Engineer on Azure-AWS, Kubernetes AKS-EKS-GKE, Terraform, Python, Golang, Ansible, HashiCorp Vault

Cloud Monk Pacific Northwest, USA

Xinyu Wei trustywolf
Consulting Engineer @ .ı|ı.ı|ı. CX Japan

Cisco Systems G.K. Tokyo, Japan

Gavin Henry ghenry
Lover of #OSS, #Elixir, #C, #API's, #Perl, #Rust and #bushcraft Founder of acquired SureVoIP and SentryPeer. MD of Ant Networks Ltd. Part of OpenLDAP Team.

Ant Networks Ltd. Aberdeen, Scotland.

Mitch Moore packetjanitor

Juniper Networks Las Vegas

Sergey Mutin mutin-sa

Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

Baris Sonmez sbarissonmez
Network Automation Engineer (NetDevOps)
Conty Kang contykang
Self-learning coder

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Thomas Grimonet titom73
Switch, route and firewall packets but never at line-rate
