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Domingo Suarez Torres domix
Utopian software designer

@CirculoSiete @bandohq Mexico City

Shiann Zipperhead19
I am a wife and mom of three. I am finishing my Paralegal degree at EKU. My son and I are learning this together because his forever plans are coding & security


Rana Banerjee banerRana

Automated It Solutions Washington, DC

Rodrigo Francisco rodrigo-fp
Técnico especializado, iOS

Liverpool CMDX

霜李维斯 12k281

简阿姨奶茶 吉林省双辽市

Karl Persson kpersson78

Incode Technologies

Raúl dev-pemara
#full-stack #dev #latam

fintonic cdmx

Alexander McCaleb amccaleb
Software Engineer with experience in mobile apps, game development, medical devices and embedded systems.

@IncodeTechnologies United States

Cygel White FacePrintPay
About Me information: Visionary entrepreneur: You founded Cygel.Co. to empower startups and small businesses through education and coaching on navigating the "

Kre8tive Koncepts Greensboro NC

Aal izz well
Adrian Covarrubias adriancova
Fine, I'll do it myself.

@IncodeTechnologies Mexico City