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Dimitar Mitranov Dimitar-Mitranov
Computer sciences student at New Bulgarian University, Sofia (Bulgaria).

Cerillion PLC Sofia, Bulgaria

Thibaut fgi thibautfgi
Somewhere in the clouds
LP B xAt0mZ

Lille, France

Doctor. and Coder
MoHamMaD Mohammad0131
Web3 & Game

Harder Iran

Rafael Polutta hejrafa
Designer, cinema enthusiast and popcorn connoisseur.

Phrase Hamburg

Lucas Vienna lucasvienna
I like to build things and solve problems.


DevOps freelancer mostly go, python, ...

@loupzeur ::1


Valparaíso, Chile

Yuri Antunes Antunes43
🎓Tecnólogo em Automação Industrial pelo IFSP - Campus Guarulhos. 🥇 Campeão Paulista SPFL Série Ouro 2022 🏈 Defensive End no São bernardo Avengers