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Dhruv Ramesh Joshi JDhruvR
Trying to learn everything I come across.

International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore Bangalore

Zachariah Mustafa Zumus
I'm a fourth year applied mathematics major at UCLA with a specialization in computing. I love programming and mathematical concepts and problems. Happy coding!

Los Angeles

Artem lykhvar

Everywhere, Ukraine

Marcos Gabriel Resmung0
Mechatronic Engineer who loves to deal with all related to data. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil.

Miguel Martins omiguelsma
Tech, Data & AI | Simplex & Efficax

@unifeb-barretos Barretos, SP - BR

Audrey Durand audurand

Université Laval Québec (QC), Canada

Mat Rawsthorne RawsthorneMat
digital mental health service user researcher

freelance Nottingham, UK

David Beauchemin davebulaval
Ph.D. candidate in legal NLP at University Laval. Founding members of @dot-layer and @Baseline-quebec

Baseline.québec Quebec, Quebec

Sabrine CHEBBI Sabrine-stack
Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Tuebingen, AIMS, South Africa , Tuebingen, Germany

Benefrancis do Nascimento Benefrancis
Atuo na área de Tecnologia da Informação, possuo pós-graduação em desenvolvimento de sistemas e bacharelado em Direito.

MPF - Ministério Público Federal São Paulo - SP Brazil

Pierre-Olivier Bonin, Ph.D. pierreolivierbonin
Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Software Development | Open Source

Montreal, Qc (Canada)

Omar Doma omardoma
I write code you will fall in love with.

Cairo, Egypt

Guillaume Loignon gloignon
Professor of educational assessment & measurement at Université du Québec à Montréal.

Université du Québec à Montréal Montréal

Katharina Brunner cutterkom
investigative data journalist @br-data, archivist @forummuenchen
Luirasval Luirasval
I'm a PhD student looking for insight in programming to improve my own skills and share knowledge.


Vincent Masse vincentmasse
Machine learning engineer
