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Jason Buchanan jsnbuchanan
Technologist, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Martial Artist, Performer. Current focus: @MorpheusAIs decentralized AI, blockchain for Land Governance, GIS UX

Medici Land Governance Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Amos Kang buptkang

Microsoft Seattle

David Orban davidorban
Startup creation, fundraising, investment.

New York, NY

Thomas Montfort tmonty12
Software Engineer Intern @ AWS OpenSearch Ingestion Team

Amazon Web Services

ScottBerenzweig betterbrand
Product development | Architect at the Intersection of AI and Blockchain technologies | Contributor to Morpheus

Better Brand Management

David Johnston DavidAJohnston
Technologist focused on Decentralizing Everything. Interested in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Morpheus & Smart Agents

Morpheus Austin