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Christian Graf xp0-1nt

Dataport AöR Hamburg

Darius dfelski

Bremen, Germany

Timo dcodertsc

Kiel, Germany

Tobias Oberstein oberstet
OSS developer, I love Python,, WAMP, Ethereum


Senior DevOps Engineer


Lea Grigat leagrigat
👩🏻‍💻 Frontend Developer - freshly graduated from the Code Bootcamp at @devhausleipzigacademy

Frontend Developer Leipzig

Sven Sv3n5on

Gera, Germany

Hendrik Oenings oeninghe-dataport

Dataport AöR Kiel-Friedrichsort

Konstantin Holm Softwarecules

Dataport AöR Altenholz, Germany

Heiner Specht Heinerion

@data-experts Germany

Jonas Ried JonasRied
Likes to automate things. In love with PowerShell.


Christian Heindel cheindel
I help enterprises work in teams and across locations and digitizing their business.

Christian Heindel - IT Solutions & Consulting Dresden, Germany

René Siemer renao

@Dataport Herten, Germany