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Janid Janidai
Experienced embedded systems developer that speaks Business and IT language.


Benjamin Tuckett lordkrazymoose-official
Born in #Winnipeg 🇨🇦. Collaboration Available

Winnipeg, Canada

The Insider Sandrush theinsidersandrush
"The Sun is Leaking." - noclick

Kuala Lumpur

Altaf Hussain altafami
UEFI Firmware Engineer

American Megatrends International LLC Atlanta, USA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Guilherme Werner guilhermewerner
Bugs Developer

@tribufu Minas Gerais, Brasil

Maciej Milowicki mmilowicki
Second-year graduate student at Illinois Institute of Technology majoring in software development.

Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago

Rebecca Cran rcran-ampere

Ampere Computing Salt Lake City, UT

Software Engineer-Data Engineer divithraju
Software Engineer | Data Engineer |

Freelancer India

Trim Bresilla bresilla
My alter ego's worst nightmare!

Bresilla PID 0

Egemen Bezci edbezci
I am Data Scientist who is utilizing various statistical, analytical and probabilistic approaches to solve complex real world problems.

Germany / Canada

Tristan Ross RossComputerGuy
Low level programmer, OS/Zig/Linux dev, Nixpkgs & LLVM committer. Likes to watch 大空スバル (Subaru Oozora).


Yash 0xblaze
Scaling systems to meet occasional demands of bytes.


KD Puvvadi kdpuvvadi
A film buff. Works with terraform, ansible, k8s & etc. homelaber, HA, Retired from public service. Migrating legacy systems 1 system at a time.


Jeremy Soller jackpot51
System76 Principal Engineer, Pop!_OS maintainer, and Redox OS BDFL, NOT LOOKING FOR WORK

System76 Colorado

An Ung anu-ampere

Ampere Computing Vietnam

Huy Dang hdang-ampere

Ampere Computing Portland, OR. USA

Ashish Nayak ash399
HPC & AI Engineer

AMI 苏州

Gabriel Ferreira Gabrielcarvfer
Graduate student at University of Brasilia (UnB)

Brasília, Brasil

Darren Hart dvhart
Technologist. Open Source Enthusiast. Collector of hobbies.

Portland, OR


Chicago, USA

Opadc Opadc
code is hard, i prefer for talk


Fahmida Mashura Tasnuva tasnuva1
Rust & FOSS Advocate | Software Engineer | Content Creator | Blog Writer
Galen Peng kyoiora

Zhejiang University China Hangzhou

Jander J-ander
Who is TheDooo ??
Edilson Broock efvb

Toronto - ON - Canada

Le Nguyen Khanh Lam 23Nero

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Manos Pitsidianakis epilys
Emulation and Virtualization Engineer @Linaro. @qemu, @rust-vmm έπηλυς means "outlander" in Greek.

@Linaro Athens, Greece


Ampere Computing Raleigh