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Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Tansu Ozcelebi tansuozcelebi
Delphi, Borland Pascal, SQL, Mikro, Mikroskop


邢洲 zhouzxing
Linux kernel distributed system and parallel programming
A Radha Krishna Reddy rkreddy12345
Software Engineer-I

CGLIA Solutions LLP Hyderabad, Telangana, India

tianlong 1989tianlong


Mikhail Sokolov electroshaman

Smekalka Moscow, Russia

Json jsonzsh
java c# python html js developer

new york

Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Keshribhan Suryavanshi Keshari07
Linux System Administrator professional with 1 year of experience in High-Performance Computing (HPC). Skilled in managing Linux servers.

Pune MH

Khaled BOUSSEBAT kboussebat
Software & System Architect, Java & Rust Developer
shuchen seishuchen
I am shuchen, a linux crazy fan, and also a developer that focus on SOA. Be an eager beaver, not an eager-beaver. Keep moving!!! #Linux #SOA #Java #Erlang
Taketoday taketoday7
Java Developer


冯桂宁 MrFeng1993
this is Morise Feng, a handsome guy. email:[email protected]

四川优森科技 绵阳

aiqiulin aql123
[email protected],Love programming, technology sharing talent


Simon Von SimonVonXCVII
Hard work is the basic condition.

上海石亭科技有限公司 Shanghai, China

HasonWei JasonWeiMin
Just Do youself

ShenZhen, China

Venkata Phani Vadapalli venkataphaniv
Architect & Technology Evangelist

Brussels, Belgium