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Heejun Park parkie0517
3D Vision Enthusiast @ KAIST Visual Intelligence Lab

Daejeon, South Korea

Dongwook_Kim dongwookkim3
임베디드의 미래를 만들고 싶은 주니어 임베디드 개발자입니다.

@Team-PECO 부산소프트웨어마이스터고등학교

Jeon GaHyun weweGH

Republic of Korea

Bohyun Jung bohyunjung
Senior Developer Advocate @mongodb

@MongoDB Seongnam, Republic of Korea

Haril Song songkg7
Altiora Petamus

@42dot Seoul, Republic of Korea

KyeongSang Yu ykss
Frontend Developer

@42dot Seoul

Mayank Maheshwari MayankMaheshwar
2020 B.Tech-IT graduate from SRM University, India. Motivated and passionate software engineer improving continuously. Full-stack + Artificial Intelligence.

OLA Krutrim AI Bangalore

Jiho Lee DPS0340
Think Rust!

@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS Seoul, Republic of Korea

XETA xet-a

@dsrvlabs Republic of Korea

Woojin Kwon woojinKwon
Seoul National University Vehicle Dynamics and Control Lab.
Muralidharan Rajendran murali199
Machine Learning Engineer | Deep Learning Enthusiast | CV | NLP | FullStackDev

GreenBlue, Inc South Korea

Hyunsung Lee hyunsung-lee
Principal Research Engineer at SUM Inc., South Korea. Working on perception, localization and SLAM for self-driving vehicles.

SUM. Inc Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Sungmann Cho chosungmann
👨🏻‍💻 🎼 📚 🍽 ☕ 🧳 🎫 🙏🏻

Seoul, South Korea

Taehun Lim routiful
I love coding.

@42dot Seoul

Hwi Ahn byron1st
Blockchain engineer @42dot

@42dot Sejong, Republic of Korea

Jaeseok Park jaeseok4104
Keyboarder / SLAM, 3DGS

None Seoul

saehan Lee/SLAM in the hazardous environments himhan34
Interested in robot exploration and SLAM

FuroLAB(Field and Underwater robotics Lab) Kyungpook National University (KNU)

Giseop Kim gisbi-kim
Research scientist of NAVER LABS

NAVER LABS Seongnam City, South Korea

TaeYoung Kim Taeyoung96
Robotics & SLAM Research Engineer.

Robotics Lab, Hyundai Motor Company Uiwang, South Korea

Chaeho Yu GonGe1018


김윤수 ing03201 Seoul

Jake Jooncheol Kim fetiu
Cimple Life

@bearrobotics seoul, south korea