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Clément Latzarus clemlatz
Web developer at @1024pix Creator of @biblys

@1024pix / @biblys Paris, France

MathiasDPX MathiasDPX
🧙‍♂️ Mon code est magique

Bretagne, France

Sacha sduperret

Université de Bordeaux France

Alice geekstardust
Médiation, formation, animation numérique


Theo theotime2005
I'm a student to @Epitech Digital School

Epitech Digital School France

Céleste Moreau ItsKandar
I like everything computer related


Max Babych mabab
Full stack javascript Developer Ukrainian

Gabriel Vidal GabrielVidal1
Information System and Computer Science Engineer, generative AI enthusiast, game developper hobbyist


Nicolas Savois savoisn
Dev |> Crafter |> Elixir Enthousiast

France - Chantilly

Fefe_du_973 Fefedu973
High school student, passionate about tech, IT and a lot of other things. I code stuff for fun.

Lyon, France

Luis Valera luisgvalera
I graduated as a Systems Engineer and Industrial Engineer with MBA - emphasis in Human Resources.

[email protected] Panama

Le Stagiaire LeVraiStagiaire

@Absolument-Oui Nancy, France

Marius therealmarius
out and about.


Thomas Erhel ThomasErhel
['🤓', '🌱', '👨‍💻', '⚙️', '🚂🌈', '🤖', '⚛️', '🎯', '🌕', '🚀', '✨', ':octocat:', '🌟', '🎉', '🩵', '⛓️', '🦄']

@monproweb Paris, France

Mariette Soninhekpon mariettesoninhekpon
I am a junior Data Analyst. #R #Python.
Slimane Amiar amiarSlimane
Fullstack software engineer (Node.js, Ember.js)

Sonected Algeria

ajubin ajubin
Senior Software Engineer @muzzo-tech


Rébecca Kaci reibecca
Web Developer


Quentin Lebouc Libouk
Junior fullstack web engineer.

Pix Paris, France

Patrick Prémartin DeveloppeurPascal
Formateur et développeur freelance. MVP Embarcadero. Langages : Delphi, PHP, JS, HTML, CSS.

Orléans, France

Test, code, repeat

Ornikar Biarritz

João Luís Cardoso de Moraes moraes65
PhD in Computer Science - Federal University of Sao Carlos and University of Twente. "Talk is cheap. Show me the code." - Linus Torvalds


Tristan Vanrullen TristanV
Ingénieur IA - Data Scientist Manager SI | Data R&D | NLP