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Yohan yohangglobal
Research @GGCapital | Contributing to new protocols and writing about what I learn.


Bukit Sorrento bukit-kronik

KRONIK Bandung, Indonesia

ufoma ovolevor is open to learning and increasing skill-set

efidjos lagos,Nigeria

Frederic FredericChang

@FredericStudio Netherland

Zhanliang Liu liuzl
AGI; Large Language Model, Large Multimodal Model; Robotics; Web Crawling; Distributed System

<-Baidu/Tencent/MSRA Earth

Lumin defilumin
Newbie eager to learn and collab
waltcow waltcow
Github Copypasta Cooking Chef; Full StackOverflow Engineer; Github Copilot Experienced Programmer

China, Guangzhou


Melbourne, AU

Mr Kitten ProphetX10

Inner Dimnensional Nexus

Bitcoin-Core Contributor

Beijing China

Visionaire Labs VisionaireLabs
AI Research Lab

Visionaire Labs

David Amom davidamom

Stefanini IT Solutions, Banco do Brasil Brasília, Distrito Federal

Tyler Fletcher fletchertyler914
Terminally curious tinkerer with an adrenaline side.
Brian Broll brollb

Vanderbilt University Cologne, MN

Yaung Ku Yaungku
Nothing is the best