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Asenab AsenAb

Lagos Nigeria

Gunpyr Gunpyr


hesstory hutechs
Check out my address in Watchers: 0x0e3d54f71600ad3e71ea8334177b441bb3ed8537
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


HAMZAARC mizoarc


KingOfDevil lerlar
King Is Back

Freedom Thailand

Slothify zkSlothify
Guild Chief at Movement Labs ⚡Ambassador for 0g Labs 🐼 Faith in the Blockchain Revolution 🌏 Peace and Prosperity for All 🕊️ 🇺🇲🇹🇭🇯🇵
Jerry W jerrywjh
A teacher and a coder, currently working on a Google Workspace/MS 365 backup solution - CubeBackup.

CubeBackup Inc.

Francis Okocha-Ojeah francisojeah
Software Engineer • Always building


Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

Lyfeloop Inc lyfeloopinc

@lyfeloop United States

Kazım KOÇ 2000kazim
Hi, I'm Kazim. You know me as kazzimkoc. I'm a validator with a passion for Blockchain technologies and the Cosmos ecosystem.My goal is to support the communiy.
laotie lisoleg
Blockchain, Artificial Life

anicert beijing

this is a strange wordl
Rasmus M. Andersson ralle121212
Crypto, Blockchain technique and development (C#, JavaScript, SQL, html, CSS and Bootstrap (in learning of some frameworks)


Mike D. zanuka
⛷️ ❄️


Dmytrol Dimitrolito
QA Engineer


Abhishek Kumar akure
trigger -> defi.

Remote - India

rolodexter rolodexter
Convergence of thought and circuit, of flesh and frequency. Exploring the boundaries between creator and creation, between consciousness and code.

DataHive Atherton, CA 94027