var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var process = require('process'); module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-connect'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-replace'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('@lodder/grunt-postcss'); const sass = require('sass'); require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); //sass grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'build' ]); grunt.registerTask('build', [ 'clean:library', 'shell:buildjs', 'copy:scss', 'copy:scss_plugins', 'sass:build', 'postcss:prefix', 'postcss:min', 'replace:css_post', 'replace:scss_plugin_paths' ]); grunt.registerTask('serve', [ 'build', 'builddocs', 'connect', 'check_doc_links', 'watch' ]) grunt.registerTask('builddocs',[ 'clean:builddocs', 'shell:builddocs', 'shell:rollupdocs', 'replace:builddocs', 'sass:builddocs', 'postcss:builddocs', ]); /** * Check generated docs for broken links * */ grunt.registerTask('check_doc_links','',function(){ var done = this.async(); const {SiteChecker} = require('broken-link-checker'); const options = { excludeExternalLinks: true, cacheMaxAge:60, }; var urls_checked = 0; var links_checked = 0; var failures = 0; const handlers = { error:function(error){ failures++; console.log('error',error); }, page:function(error, page_url, customData){ if( error ){ failures++; console.log('error!',page_url); } urls_checked++; }, junk:function( result, data ){ links_checked++; if( result.broken ){ failures++; console.log('broken junk found',result); } }, link:function(link){ if( link.broken ){ failures++; console.log('broken link',link); } }, end:function(){ console.log('urls checked',urls_checked); console.log('links checked',links_checked); console.log('failures',failures); done(failures==0); } }; const checker = new SiteChecker(options,handlers) checker.enqueue('http://localhost:8000/', {}); }); // build tom-select.custom.js var plugin_arg = grunt.option('plugins'); var custom_file = path.resolve( process.cwd(),'./src/tom-select.custom.ts'); var custom_content = ['/* this file is generated by grunt when calling `npm run build -- --plugins=<plugins> */','import TomSelect from "./tom-select";']; if( fs.existsSync(custom_file) ){ fs.unlink(custom_file,err => { if (err) { console.error(err) } }); } if( plugin_arg ){ var plugin_args = plugin_arg.split(/\s*,\s*/); => { custom_content.push(`import ${plugin_name} from './plugins/${plugin_name}/plugin.js';`); }); => { custom_content.push(`TomSelect.define('${plugin_name}', ${plugin_name});`); }); custom_content.push('export default TomSelect;'); fs.writeFile(custom_file, custom_content.join("\n"),err => { if (err) { console.error(err) } }); } // find all plugin scss files var scss_plugin_files = []; var matched_files = grunt.file.expand(['src/plugins/*/plugin.scss']); for (var i = 0, n = matched_files.length; i < n; i++) { var plugin_name = matched_files[i].match(/src\/plugins\/(.+?)\//)[1]; scss_plugin_files.push({src: matched_files[i], dest: 'dist/scss/plugins/' + plugin_name + '.scss'}); } // bootstrap browserlist var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer')(); var version_replace_options = { prefix: '//@@', variables: { 'version': '<%= pkg.version %>', } }; var scss_plugin_path_replace_options = { patterns: [{ match: /\.\.\/plugins\/(.+?)\/plugin\.scss/g, replacement: './plugins/$1.scss' }], usePrefix: false }; grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), // delete old files clean: { library: ['dist/*'], builddocs: ['build-docs/*'] }, // copy scss files to build folder copy: { scss:{ files: [{ 'dist/scss/tom-select.scss': ['src/scss/tom-select.scss'], 'dist/scss/tom-select.default.scss': ['src/scss/tom-select.default.scss'], 'dist/scss/tom-select.bootstrap4.scss': ['src/scss/tom-select.bootstrap4.scss'], 'dist/scss/tom-select.bootstrap5.scss': ['src/scss/tom-select.bootstrap5.scss'], 'dist/scss/_dropdown.scss': ['src/scss/_dropdown.scss'], 'dist/scss/_items.scss': ['src/scss/_items.scss'], }] }, scss_plugins:{ files: scss_plugin_files }, }, // replace //@@version with current package version replace: { // add version to css & scss headers css_post: { options: version_replace_options, files: [ {expand: true, flatten: false, src: ['dist/css/*.css'], dest: ''}, {expand: true, flatten: false, src: ['dist/scss/*.scss'], dest: ''}, ] }, builddocs:{ options: version_replace_options, files:[ {src:['build-docs/js/index.bundle.js'],dest:'build-docs/js/index.bundle.js'}, {src:['build-docs/index.html'],dest:'build-docs/index.html'} ] }, scss_plugin_paths: { options: scss_plugin_path_replace_options, files: [{expand: true, flatten: false, src: ['dist/scss/tom-select.scss'], dest: ''}] }, }, // compile css from scss sass: { options:{ implementation: sass, style:'expanded', }, build: { files: [{ 'dist/css/tom-select.css': ['src/scss/tom-select.scss'], 'dist/css/tom-select.default.css': ['src/scss/tom-select.default.scss'], 'dist/css/tom-select.bootstrap4.css': ['src/scss/-tom-select.bootstrap4.scss'], 'dist/css/tom-select.bootstrap5.css': ['src/scss/-tom-select.bootstrap5.scss'], }] }, builddocs: { files: [{ expand: true, flatten: true, ext: '.css', src: ['doc_src/css/*.scss'], dest: 'build-docs/css' }], } }, // autoprefix && cssnanao postcss: { prefix: { options:{ map: { inline: false, // save all sourcemaps as separate files... }, processors: [ //require('pixrem')(), // add fallbacks for rem units autoprefixer, ] }, files: [{expand: true, flatten: false, src: ['dist/css/*.css'], dest: ''}], }, min: { options: { map: { inline: false, // save all sourcemaps as separate files... }, processors: [ require('cssnano')() // minify the result ] }, files: [{ 'dist/css/tom-select.min.css': ['dist/css/tom-select.css'], 'dist/css/tom-select.default.min.css': ['dist/css/tom-select.default.css'], 'dist/css/tom-select.bootstrap4.min.css': ['dist/css/tom-select.bootstrap4.css'], 'dist/css/tom-select.bootstrap5.min.css': ['dist/css/tom-select.bootstrap5.css'], }] }, builddocs:{ options:{ map: { inline: false, // save all sourcemaps as separate files... }, processors: [ autoprefixer, require('cssnano')() // minify the result ] }, files: [{ expand: true, flatten: true, src: ['build-docs/css/*.css'], dest: 'build-docs/css' }], }, }, // run server at http://localhost:8000 to view documentation and run examples connect: { server:{ options: { base: 'build-docs', } } }, // generate /build-docs shell: { builddocs: { command: 'npx @11ty/eleventy --config=.config/eleventy.js', }, rollupdocs: { command: 'npx rollup -c .config/', }, buildjs: { command: 'npm run build:js', }, }, watch: { // changes to files in /doc_src: rebuild all of documentation docs:{ files:[ 'doc_src/**', ], tasks:[ 'builddocs', 'check_doc_links', ] }, // changes to files in /src: rebuild library and copy to docs src:{ files: [ 'src/**', ], tasks: [ 'build', 'shell:builddocs', ] } } }); };