As we removed the git history as part of the open source release, here is the list of committers to the original internal repo, sorted by number of commits.
- Adam Pocock (@Craigacp)
- Kate Silverstein (@k8si)
- Stephen Green (@eelstretching)
- Jack Sullivan (@JackSullivan)
- Philip Ogren (@pogren)
- Jean-Baptiste Tristan (@jtristan, now at Boston College)
- Pallika Kanani (@pallika)
- Jeffrey Alexander (@jhalexand)
- Katherine Younglove (@katieyounglove)
- Michael Wick (@michaelwick)
- Samantha Campo (@samanthacampo)
- Forough Poursabzi-Sangdeh (@foroughp, Forough interned in MLRG during the summer of 2016).
The website, the Tribuo logo, and other associated graphics were designed by:
The website was implemented from the design by Jeffrey Alexander (website repo).