In this tutorial we'll deploy a sample SpringBoot application using the stack. The application is a simple REST backend sample that can be found here.
In GitHub, fork the following repo: oci-react-samples. Note that we will only used the branch "spring-appstack" for this tutorial.
If you don't already have Personal Token, create one and note it down. We'll use it in the next step.
Create a compartment called "appstack". All the resources created by the stack will be created under this compartment. Note the compartment's OCID as it will be used later.
Create a vault called "appstack":
Add a key called "appstack":
... and add the GitHub token as a secret.
This dynamic group called "appstack" will match the DevOps resources needed to execute the build pipeline. This is where the compartment's OCID is needed:
All { = 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..............', Any {resource.type = 'devopsdeploypipeline', resource.type = 'devopsbuildpipeline', resource.type = 'devopsrepository', resource.type = 'devopsconnection', resource.type = 'devopstrigger'}}
Create a new policy under the "appstack" compartment called "appstack"
Allow dynamic-group appstack to read secret-family in compartment appstack
Allow dynamic-group appstack to read devops-family in compartment appstack
Create a new DevOps project called "appstacktutorial". This involves creating a topic "appstacktutorial".
Be sure to turn on logging:
Your repo should now be created. Note its OCID as it will be used later.
Go to the App Stack Product page and click on the "Deploy" button:
For the "DevOps repo", be sure to enter the right OCID. It should start with ocid1.devopsrepository. and the branch we're using is spring-appstack. The artifact ./target/mytodolist-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.
We're not creating any DNS record in this tutorial. If you have a domain name and you're using OCI to manage your DNS entries then you can choose to make the stack create a new record for the application by checking the checkbox below.
For the network we can keep the default values:
It may take up to 10 minutes to execute the stack. You should then see this:
Your app URL will be displayed under "Application Information":
You can verify that the application is running:
The application exposes REST APIs to manage a todolist:
jdelavar@jdelavar-mac ~ % curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"description":"Complete app stack tuto"}'
jdelavar@jdelavar-mac ~ % curl -s | json_pp
"creation_ts" : "2023-07-06T15:47:35.341121Z",
"description" : "Complete app stack tuto",
"done" : false,
"id" : 1