From cbf084c81bd7e8e58583feecb3f3185bad762366 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Paul Parkinson <> Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2024 16:32:39 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Delete azure-pipelines.yml --- azure-pipelines.yml | 121 -------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 121 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 azure-pipelines.yml diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 21faf49..0000000 --- a/azure-pipelines.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -# Deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service -# Build and push image to Azure Container Registry; Deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service -# - -trigger: - - main - -resources: - - repo: self - -variables: - - # Container registry service connection established during pipeline creation - dockerRegistryServiceConnection: 'ba554595-2da8-4cf6-88c4-a57c75966491' - imageRepository: 'multicloudapp' - containerRegistry: '' - dockerfilePath: '**/Dockerfile' - tag: '$(Build.BuildId)' - imagePullSecret: 'multicloud2012b828-auth' - - # Agent VM image name - vmImageName: 'ubuntu-latest' - - # Name of the new namespace being created to deploy the PR changes. - k8sNamespaceForPR: 'review-app-$(System.PullRequest.PullRequestId)' - -stages: - - stage: Build - displayName: Build stage - jobs: - - job: Build - displayName: Build - pool: - vmImage: $(vmImageName) - steps: - - task: JavaToolInstaller@0 - inputs: - versionSpec: '17' - jdkArchitectureOption: 'x64' - jdkSourceOption: 'PreInstalled' - - task: Maven@4 - inputs: - mavenPomFile: 'pom.xml' - publishJUnitResults: true - testResultsFiles: '**/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml' - javaHomeOption: 'JDKVersion' - mavenVersionOption: '1.17' - mavenAuthenticateFeed: false - effectivePomSkip: false - sonarQubeRunAnalysis: false - - task: Docker@2 - displayName: Build and push an image to container registry - inputs: - command: buildAndPush - repository: $(imageRepository) - dockerfile: $(dockerfilePath) - containerRegistry: $(dockerRegistryServiceConnection) - tags: | - $(tag) - - - upload: manifests - artifact: manifests - - script: | - echo Downloading Liquibase and Oracle JDBC driver - wget - tar -xzf liquibase-4.4.3.tar.gz - wget - wget - sudo apt-get install unzip - unzip - displayName: 'Install Liquibase and Oracle JDBC' - - - - stage: Deploy - displayName: Deploy stage - dependsOn: Build - - jobs: - - - deployment: Deploy - condition: and(succeeded(), not(startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/pull/'))) - displayName: Deploy - pool: - vmImage: $(vmImageName) - environment: 'paulparkinsonazuredevopsoracledatabase-8684.default' - strategy: - runOnce: - deploy: - steps: - - task: KubernetesManifest@0 - displayName: Create imagePullSecret - inputs: - action: createSecret - secretName: $(imagePullSecret) - dockerRegistryEndpoint: $(dockerRegistryServiceConnection) - - - script: | - yq eval '.spec.template.spec.containers[0].env += [{"name": "AZURE_LOG_LEVEL", "value": "verbose"}, {"name": "AZURE_CLIENT_ID", "value": "$(AZURE_CLIENT_ID)"}, {"name": "AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET", "value": "$(AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET)"}, {"name": "AZURE_TENANT_ID", "value": "$(AZURE_TENANT_ID)"}]' -i $(Pipeline.Workspace)/manifests/deployment.yml - displayName: 'Add Environment Variable with yq' - - - task: KubernetesManifest@0 - displayName: Deploy to Kubernetes cluster - inputs: - action: deploy - manifests: | - $(Pipeline.Workspace)/manifests/deployment.yml - $(Pipeline.Workspace)/manifests/service.yml - imagePullSecrets: | - $(imagePullSecret) - containers: | - $(containerRegistry)/$(imageRepository):$(tag) - - - task: Kubernetes@1 - displayName: Deploy ServiceMonitor - inputs: - connectionType: Kubernetes Service Connection - kubernetesServiceEndpoint: $(kubernetesServiceConnection) - namespace: default - command: apply - useConfigurationFile: true - configuration: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/manifests/servicemonitor.yaml