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468 lines (361 loc) · 13.7 KB

File metadata and controls

468 lines (361 loc) · 13.7 KB


Merged into main with Pull Request 29.


  • Create check from method
  • Create multiple checks in a class
  • Create checks from an iterable (e.g. a list)
  • Required checks
  • Check metadata
  • Filtering checks
  • Halting runs
  • Instrumentation
  • Enhanced CLI
  • Checkable Protocol
  • Safe and productive by default

Creating a Check

Checks can now be created with a decorator:

import servo

def check_something() -> None:

The decorator transforms the function into a method that returns a Check object. When called it, it invokes the original method implementation and determines success/failure based on the return type:

def check_success() -> bool:
    return True # the check succeeded

def check_failure() -> bool:
    return False # failed

@servo.check("Fail by exception")
def check_exception() -> None:
    raise RuntimeError("Something went wrong")

Exceptions are guarded for you. Write the shortest code possible that can check the condition.

You can also return a message that will be displayed in the CLI (more on this later):

def check_message() -> str:
    return "Success message"

or return a bool and message to do both at once:

@servo.check("Tuple outcome")
def check_tuple() -> Tuple[bool, str]:
    return (True, "Returning a tuple value works fine")

A check that returns None and doesn't raise is a success:

def check_none() -> None:
    print("Whatever I do here is a success unless I raise an error.")

Check metadata

Checks can be enriched with metadata:

    description="Include a longer detailed description here...",
    tags=("fast", "low_priority"),
def check_metadata() -> None:

Metadata comes into play a bit later. But for now, keep in mind that the id is a short unique identifier that will be auto-assigned if unspecified and tags is a set of lightweight descriptors about check behavior and context.

Creating Checks

Checking several conditions in one connector can be verbose even with the decorator:

class SomeConnector(BaseConnector):
    async def check(self) -> List[Check]:
        def check_one() -> None:

        def check_two() -> None:

        def check_three() -> None:

        return [check_one(), check_two(), check_three()]

but more importantly, there is no way to work with the collection. It's an all or nothing operation where all the checks are run and returned every time you call servo check.

We can do better on both fronts:

class SomeChecks(BaseChecks):
    async def check_one(self) -> None:

    async def check_two(self) -> None:

    async def check_three(self) -> None:

class SomeConnector(BaseConnector):
    async def check(self) -> List[Check]:
        return await

The checks are now encapsulated into a standalone class that can be tested in isolation. The check event handler is now nice and tidy.

The BaseChecks class has some interesting capabilities. It enforces a policy that all instance methods are prefixed with check_ and return a Check object or are designated as helper methods by starting with an underscore:

class ValidExampleChecks(BaseChecks):
    async def check_valid(self) -> None:

    def _reverse_string(self, input: str) -> str:
        return input.reverse()

class InvalidExampleChecks(BaseChecks):
    # Forgot to decorate -- wrong return value
    async def check_valid(self) -> None:

    def not_a_check(self) -> None:

    @check("not checkable return value")
    async def check_invalid_return(self) -> int:
        # Cannot be coerced into a check result

Checks are always executed in method definition order (or top-to-bottom if you prefer). This becomes important in a second.

Required checks

Not all checks are created equal. There are some checks that upon failure imply that all following checks will already have implicitly failed. Such checks can be described as required.

Consider the example of implementing checks for Kubernetes. The very first thing that it makes sense to do is check if you can connect to the API server (or run kubectl in a subprocess). If this check fails, then it makes zero sense to even attempt to check if you can create a Pod, read Deployments, have the required secrets, etc.

To handle these cases, we can combine the notion of a required check with the guarantee of checks executing in method definition order to express these relationships between checks:

class KubernetesChecks(BaseChecks):
    @check("API connectivity", required=True)
    def check_api(self) -> None:
        raise RuntimeError("can't reach API")

    @check("read namespace")
    def check_read_namespace(self) -> None:

    @check("has running Pods")
    def check_pods(self) -> None:

    @check("read deployments", required=True)
    def check_read_deployments(self) -> None:
        raise RuntimeError("can't read Deployments")

    @check("containers have resource limits")
    def check_resource_limits(self) -> None:

In this example, we have two required checks that act as circuit breakers to halt execution upon failure. If check_api fails, then no other checks will be run (more on this in a minute) and you will get a single error to debug. If check_api succeeds but check_read_deployments fails, then the resource limits won't be checked because if you can't see the Deployment you can't get it to its containers and the requests/limits values.

New event handler

The check metadata mentioned earlier combines with required checks and the execution order guarantee to provide some very nice capabilities for controlling check execution.

To support these enhancements, the method signature of the check event handler has changed:

class NewEventConnector(BaseConnector):
    async def check(self,
        matching: Optional[Filter] = None,
        halt_on: HaltOnFailed = HaltOnFailed.requirement
    ) -> List[Check]:

There are a few things going on here. We have two new positional parameters: matching and halt_on. Let's look at these one at a time.

Filtering checks

The matching argument is an instance of servo.checks.Filter which looks like this (edited down for brevity and clarity):

class Filter(BaseModel):
    name: Union[None, str, Sequence[str], Pattern[str]] = None
    id: Union[None, str, Sequence[str], Pattern[str]] = None
    tags: Optional[Set[str]] = None

    def matches(self, check: Check) -> bool:

These are the same attributes discussed earlier in the check metadata section. The filter matches against checks using AND semantics (all constraints must be satisfied for a match to occur).

The name and id attributes can be compared against an exact value (type str), a set of possible values (type Sequence[str], which includes lists, sets, and tuples of strings), or evaluated against a regular expression pattern (type Pattern[str]). Values are compared case-sensitively. id values are always lowercase alphanumeric characters or _.

Tags are evaluated with set intersection semantics (the constraint is satisfied if the check has any tags in common with the filter).

A value of None always evaluates positively for the particular constraint.

Halting check execution

Depending on what you are doing, it can be desirable to handle failing checks differently. You may wish to fail fast to identify a blocked requirement or you may want to run every check and get a sense for how broken your setup is all in.

This is where the halt_on parameter comes in. halt_on is a value of the HaltOnFailed enumeration which looks like:

class HaltOnFailed(enum.StrEnum):
    """HaltOnFailed is an enumeration that describes how to handle check failures.

    requirement = "requirement"
    """Halt running when a required check has failed.

    check = "check"
    """Halt running when any check has failed.

    never = "never"
    """Never halt running regardless of check failures.

Selecting the appropriate halt_on value lets you decide how much feedback you want to gather in a given check run.


All of the above changes are pretty hard to utilize without an interface. As such, configuration for checks can be done in the checks section of the servo.yaml, as defined by the ChecksConfiguration class. The checks configuration is not required explicitly, and if not specified will run with default options. Below is an example of the checks configuration with all configurable options specified explicitly.

      connectors: ['opsani-dev']
      name: ['Connectivity to Kubernetes']
      id: ['check_kubernetes_connectivity']
      quiet: False
      verbose: False
      progressive: False
      wait: 30m
      delay: 10s
      halt_on: critical
      remedy: True
      check_halting: False

By default, checks and any associated remedies run asynchronously, but remedies can be applied sequentially upon check failure by setting check_halting to True

      check_halting: True

Results from checks can be output into a table

      progressive: False
CONNECTOR                        STATUS    ERRORS          X FAILED  (1/1) Opsani API connectivity: ['Response status code: 404']
opsani_dev                       √ PASSED
opsani-dev:kubernetes            √ PASSED
opsani-dev:prometheus            X FAILED  (1/1) Connect to "http://localhost:9090": ['caught exception (ConnectError): [Errno 61] Connection refused']
opsani-dev:kube-metrics          √ PASSED

We can run a check by name:

      name: ['Connectivity to Kubernetes']

Or a set of IDs comma separated:

      id: ['check_kubernetes_connectivity']

Or every check that contains "exec" (strings in slashes "/like this/" are compiled as regex):

      name: ["/.*exec.+/"]

And set the halting behavior in the face of failures:

      halt_on: common

Creating Checks from an Iterable

Sometimes you have a collection of homogenous items that need to be checked. A common example is a list of queries for a metrics provider like Prometheus:

  base_url: http://localhost:9091/
  - name: throughput
    query: rate(http_requests_total[1s])[3m]
    unit: rps
  - name: error_rate
    query: rate(errors)
    unit: '%'
  - name: go_threads
    query: gc_info
    unit: threads
  - name: go_memstats_alloc_bytes
    query: go_memstats_alloc_bytes
    unit: bytes

We don't want to handwrite a method for each of these and if we just loop over it, we can't use filters to focus on the failure cases -- making debugging slower and noisier.

What we want is the ability to synthesize a checks class without having to write the code by hand:

from typing import Optional
import servo

class PrometheusConnector(servo.BaseConnector):
    config: PrometheusConfiguration

    async def check(self,
        matching: Optional[servo.Filter] = None,
        halt_on: servo.HaltOnFailed = servo.HaltOnFailed.requirement
    ) -> List[Check]:
        start, end = - timedelta(minutes=10),
        async def check_query(metric: PrometheusMetric) -> str:
            result = await self._query_prom(metric, start, end)
            return f"returned {len(result)} TimeSeries readings"

        # wrap all queries into checks and verify that they work
        PrometheusChecks = create_checks_from_iterable(check_query, self.config.metrics)
        return await, matching=matching, halt_on=halt_on)

Here the check_query inner function is going to be used just like earlier examples that were "checkified" via the @check decorator and the self.config.metrics collection is going to be treated like a list of methods in a BaseChecks subclass.

The call to create_checks_from_iterable returns a new dynamically created subclass of BaseChecks with check_ instance methods attached for every item in the self.config.metrics collection.

The PrometheusChecks class behaves exactly like a manually coded checks subclass and can be filtered, etc.

Checkable Protocol

Protocols are a relatively recent extension to Python that supports structural subtyping. This is basically the idea that a class does not have to explicitly inherit from another class in order to be considered its subtype. It is an extension of the concept of duck typing in dynamic languages to the typing system (sometimes called "Static Duck Typing", see [](PEP 544)).

The servo.checks.Checkable protocol defines a single method called __check__ that returns a Check object. The protocol is used extensively in the internals but can be used as a public API to provide check implementations for arbitrary objects.

Safe and productive by default

The checks subsystem works really hard to make the easy thing delightful and the wrong impossible. There is extensive enforcement around type hint contracts to avoid typo bugs. The code is extensively documented and covered with tests.