diff --git a/ci/scripts/metric_unify/main.py b/ci/scripts/metric_unify/main.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ac47da96a..0000000000
--- a/ci/scripts/metric_unify/main.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import argparse
-# import sys
-# labels is a list of (key, value) strings
-def labels_to_tuple(labels):
- return tuple([tuple(pair) for pair in labels])
-# Helper function to add metric data into the flat dict
-def add_to_flat_dict(labels, metric, value, flat_dict):
- if labels not in flat_dict:
- flat_dict[labels] = []
- flat_dict[labels].append(Metric(metric, value))
-def custom_sort_label_keys(label_key):
- """
- Custom sorting function that ensures 'group' comes first.
- Other keys are sorted alphabetically.
- """
- # Prioritize 'group' by giving it the lowest possible sort value
- if label_key == 'group':
- return (0, label_key) # Lowest priority for 'group'
- else:
- return (1, label_key) # Normal priority for other keys
-class Aggregation:
- name = ""
- group_by = [] # Label keys to group by
- metrics = []
- operation = ""
- def __init__(self, name, group_by, metrics, operation):
- self.name = name
- self.group_by = group_by
- self.metrics = metrics
- self.operation = operation
- def __str__(self):
- return f"Aggregation(name={self.name}, group_by={self.group_by}, metrics={self.metrics}, operation={self.operation})"
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__()
-class Metric:
- name = ""
- value = 0
- diff_value = None
- diff_percent = None
- def __init__(self, name, value):
- self.name = name
- self.value = value
- def __str__(self):
- # Customize the string representation for printing
- diff_str = ""
- if self.diff_value is not None:
- diff_str = f", diff_value={self.diff_value}"
- if self.diff_percent is not None:
- diff_str += f", diff_percent={self.diff_percent:+.2%}"
- return f"Metric(name={self.name}, value={self.value}{diff_str})"
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__()
-class MetricDb:
- def __init__(self, metrics_file):
- # Dict[labels => List[Metric]]
- self.flat_dict = {}
- # Dict label_keys_tuple => Dict[label_values_tuple => List[Metric]]
- self.dict_by_label_types = {}
- with open(metrics_file, 'r') as f:
- data = json.load(f)
- # Process counters
- for counter in data.get('counter', []):
- labels = labels_to_tuple(counter['labels'])
- metric = counter['metric']
- value = int(counter['value'])
- if value == 0:
- continue
- add_to_flat_dict(labels, metric, value, self.flat_dict)
- # Process gauges
- for gauge in data.get('gauge', []):
- labels = labels_to_tuple(gauge['labels'])
- metric = gauge['metric']
- value = float(gauge['value'])
- add_to_flat_dict(labels, metric, value, self.flat_dict)
- self.separate_by_label_types()
- def separate_by_label_types(self):
- for labels, metrics in self.flat_dict.items():
- label_keys = tuple(sorted([key for key, _ in labels], key=custom_sort_label_keys))
- label_dict = dict(labels)
- label_values = tuple([label_dict[key] for key in label_keys])
- if label_keys not in self.dict_by_label_types:
- self.dict_by_label_types[label_keys] = {}
- if label_values not in self.dict_by_label_types[label_keys]:
- self.dict_by_label_types[label_keys][label_values] = []
- self.dict_by_label_types[label_keys][label_values].extend(metrics)
-# mutates db so metric dict has fields "diff_value" and "diff_percent"
-def diff_metrics(db: MetricDb, db_old: MetricDb):
- for (labels, metrics) in db.flat_dict.items():
- if labels not in db_old.flat_dict:
- continue
- for metric in metrics:
- metric_old = next((m for m in db_old.flat_dict[labels] if m.name == metric.name), None)
- if metric_old:
- metric.diff_value = metric.value - metric_old.value
- if metric_old.value != 0:
- metric.diff_percent = (metric.value - metric_old.value) / metric_old.value
- db.separate_by_label_types()
-# separated_dict is dict by label types
-def generate_markdown_tables(separated_dict, excluded_labels=["cycle_tracker_span"]):
- markdown_output = ""
- # Loop through each set of tuple_keys
- for tuple_keys, metrics_dict in separated_dict.items():
- tuple_keys = list(tuple_keys)
- exclude = any(excluded_label in tuple_keys for excluded_label in excluded_labels)
- if exclude:
- continue
- # Get all unique metric names
- metric_names = set()
- for metric_list in metrics_dict.values():
- metric_names.update([metric.name for metric in metric_list])
- metric_names = sorted(metric_names)
- # Create the table header
- header = "| " + " | ".join([f"{key}" for key in list(tuple_keys)] + metric_names) + " |"
- separator = "| " + " | ".join(["---"] * (len(tuple_keys) + len(metric_names))) + " |"
- markdown_output += header + "\n" + separator + "\n"
- # Fill the table with rows for each tuple_value and associated metrics
- for tuple_values, metrics in metrics_dict.items():
- row_values = list(tuple_values)
- row_metrics = []
- for metric_name in metric_names:
- metric = next((m for m in metrics if m.name == metric_name), None)
- metric_str = ""
- if metric:
- if metric.diff_percent is not None and metric.diff_value != 0:
- color = "red" if metric.diff_percent > 0 else "green"
- # Format the percentage with the color styling
- metric_str += f'({metric.diff_value:+,} [{metric.diff_percent:+.1%}]) '
- metric_str += "
" + f"{metric.value:,}" + "
- row_metrics.append(metric_str)
- markdown_output += "| " + " | ".join(row_values + row_metrics) + " |\n"
- markdown_output += "\n"
- return markdown_output
-def read_aggregations(aggregation_json):
- with open(aggregation_json, 'r') as f:
- aggregation_data = json.load(f)
- aggregations = []
- for aggregation in aggregation_data['aggregations']:
- aggregations.append(Aggregation(aggregation['name'], aggregation['group_by'], aggregation['metrics'], aggregation['operation']))
- return aggregations
-def apply_aggregations(db: MetricDb, aggregations):
- for aggregation in aggregations:
- # group_by_values => aggregation metric
- group_by_dict = {}
- if aggregation.operation == "sum" or aggregation.operation == "unique":
- for tuple_keys, metrics_dict in db.dict_by_label_types.items():
- if not set(aggregation.group_by).issubset(set(tuple_keys)):
- continue
- for tuple_values, metrics in metrics_dict.items():
- label_dict = dict(zip(tuple_keys, tuple_values))
- group_by_values = tuple([label_dict[key] for key in aggregation.group_by])
- for metric in metrics:
- if metric.name in aggregation.metrics:
- if aggregation.operation == "sum":
- if group_by_values not in group_by_dict:
- group_by_dict[group_by_values] = 0
- group_by_dict[group_by_values] += metric.value
- elif aggregation.operation == "unique":
- if group_by_values not in group_by_dict:
- group_by_dict[group_by_values] = metric.value
- else:
- assert group_by_dict[group_by_values] == metric.value
- for group_by_values, agg_value in group_by_dict.items():
- aggregation_label = labels_to_tuple([(k,v) for k,v in zip(aggregation.group_by, group_by_values)])
- if aggregation_label not in db.flat_dict:
- db.flat_dict[aggregation_label] = []
- overwrite = False
- for metric in db.flat_dict[aggregation_label]:
- if metric.name == aggregation.name:
- if metric.value != agg_value:
- print(f"[WARN] Overwriting {metric.name}: previous value = {metric.value}, new value = {sum}")
- metric.value = agg_value
- overwrite = True
- break
- if not overwrite:
- db.flat_dict[aggregation_label].append(Metric(aggregation.name, agg_value))
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"Unknown operation: {aggregation.operation}")
- db.separate_by_label_types()
-# old_metrics_json is optional
-def generate_displayable_metrics(
- metrics_json,
- old_metrics_json,
- excluded_labels=["cycle_tracker_span"],
- aggregation_json=None
- ):
- db = MetricDb(metrics_json)
- aggregations = []
- if aggregation_json:
- aggregations = read_aggregations(aggregation_json)
- apply_aggregations(db, aggregations)
- if old_metrics_json:
- db_old = MetricDb(old_metrics_json)
- if aggregation_json:
- aggregations = read_aggregations(aggregation_json)
- apply_aggregations(db_old, aggregations)
- diff_metrics(db, db_old)
- detailed_markdown_output = generate_markdown_tables(db.dict_by_label_types, excluded_labels)
- # Hacky way to get top level aggregate metrics grouped by "group" label
- group_to_metrics = {}
- group_tuple = tuple(["group"])
- for (group_name, metrics) in db.dict_by_label_types.get(group_tuple, {}).items():
- agg_metrics = []
- for metric in metrics:
- if metric.name in [a.name for a in aggregations]:
- agg_metrics.append(metric)
- if len(agg_metrics) == 0:
- continue
- if group_name not in group_to_metrics:
- group_to_metrics[group_name] = []
- group_to_metrics[group_name].extend(agg_metrics)
- markdown_output = generate_markdown_tables({ group_tuple: group_to_metrics })
- markdown_output += "\n"
- markdown_output += "\nDetailed Metrics\n\n"
- markdown_output += detailed_markdown_output
- markdown_output += "\n\n"
- return markdown_output
-def main():
- argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- argparser.add_argument('metrics_json', type=str, help="Path to the metrics JSON")
- argparser.add_argument('--prev', type=str, required=False, help="Path to the previous metrics JSON for diff generation")
- argparser.add_argument('--excluded-labels', type=str, required=False, help="Comma-separated list of labels to exclude from the table")
- argparser.add_argument('--top-labels', type=str, required=False, help="Comma-separated list of labels to include in summary rows")
- argparser.add_argument('--aggregation-json', type=str, required=False, help="Path to a JSON file with metrics to aggregate")
- args = argparser.parse_args()
- markdown_output = generate_displayable_metrics(
- args.metrics_json,
- args.prev,
- excluded_labels=args.excluded_labels.split(",") if args.excluded_labels else ["cycle_tracker_span"],
- aggregation_json=args.aggregation_json
- )
- print(markdown_output)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/crates/circuits/primitives/src/lib.rs b/crates/circuits/primitives/src/lib.rs
index 90dd810771..761e6693d6 100644
--- a/crates/circuits/primitives/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/circuits/primitives/src/lib.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
//! This crate contains a collection of primitives for use when building circuits.
-//! The primitives are separated into two types: standalone [Air](p3_air::Air)s and [SubAir]s.
+//! The primitives are separated into two types: standalone [Air](openvm_stark_backend::p3_air::Air)s and [SubAir]s.
-//! The following modules contain standalone [Air]s:
+//! The following modules contain standalone [Air](openvm_stark_backend::p3_air::Air)s:
//! - [range]
//! - [range_gate]
//! - [range_tuple]
diff --git a/crates/circuits/primitives/src/sub_air.rs b/crates/circuits/primitives/src/sub_air.rs
index 0ba83ad604..52966b88bb 100644
--- a/crates/circuits/primitives/src/sub_air.rs
+++ b/crates/circuits/primitives/src/sub_air.rs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use openvm_stark_backend::p3_air::AirBuilder;
/// Trait with associated types intended to allow re-use of constraint logic
/// inside other AIRs.
-/// A `SubAir` is **not** an [`Air`](p3_air::Air) itself.
+/// A `SubAir` is **not** an [Air](openvm_stark_backend::p3_air::Air) itself.
/// A `SubAir` is a struct that holds the means to generate a particular set of constraints,
/// meant to be re-usable within other AIRs.
diff --git a/crates/circuits/sha256-air/src/trace.rs b/crates/circuits/sha256-air/src/trace.rs
index 4bf76980cb..45477a472c 100644
--- a/crates/circuits/sha256-air/src/trace.rs
+++ b/crates/circuits/sha256-air/src/trace.rs
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ impl Sha256Air {
/// and the buffer values that will be put in rows 0..4.
/// Will populate the given `trace` with the trace of the block, where the width of the trace is `trace_width`
/// and the starting column for the `Sha256Air` is `trace_start_col`.
- /// **Note**: this function only generates some of the required trace. Another pass is required, refer to [`generate_missing_cells`] for details.
+ /// **Note**: this function only generates some of the required trace. Another pass is required, refer to [`Self::generate_missing_cells`] for details.
pub fn generate_block_trace(
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ impl Sha256Air {
/// This function will fill in the cells that we couldn't do during the first pass.
/// This function should be called only after `generate_block_trace` was called for all blocks
- /// And [`generate_default_row`] is called for all invalid rows
+ /// And [`Self::generate_default_row`] is called for all invalid rows
/// Will populate the missing values of `trace`, where the width of the trace is `trace_width`
/// and the starting column for the `Sha256Air` is `trace_start_col`.
/// Note: `trace` needs to be the rows 1..17 of a block and the first row of the next block
diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/commit.rs b/crates/sdk/src/commit.rs
index 1472e8f46f..b1c56d28e1 100644
--- a/crates/sdk/src/commit.rs
+++ b/crates/sdk/src/commit.rs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ pub struct AppExecutionCommit {
/// ),
/// hash(right_pad(pc_start, 0))
/// )
- /// `right_pad` example, if pc_start = 123, right_pad(pc_start, 0) = [123,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
+ /// `right_pad` example, if pc_start = 123, right_pad(pc_start, 0) = \[123,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\]
pub exe_commit: [T; DIGEST_SIZE],
diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/verifier/root/types.rs b/crates/sdk/src/verifier/root/types.rs
index 86f584d1c5..d1b8988276 100644
--- a/crates/sdk/src/verifier/root/types.rs
+++ b/crates/sdk/src/verifier/root/types.rs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ pub struct RootVmVerifierPvs {
/// Input for the root VM verifier.
/// Note: Root verifier is proven in Root SC, but it usually verifies proofs in SC. So
-/// usually only RootVmVerifierInput is needed.
+/// usually only RootVmVerifierInput\ is needed.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Derivative)]
#[serde(bound = "")]
#[derivative(Clone(bound = "Com: Clone"))]
diff --git a/crates/toolchain/instructions/src/program.rs b/crates/toolchain/instructions/src/program.rs
index 20299395a6..750a45e463 100644
--- a/crates/toolchain/instructions/src/program.rs
+++ b/crates/toolchain/instructions/src/program.rs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ pub struct Program {
/// A map from program counter to instruction.
/// Sometimes the instructions are enumerated as 0, 4, 8, etc.
/// Maybe at some point we will replace this with a struct that would have a `Vec` under the hood and divide the incoming `pc` by whatever given.
- instructions_and_debug_infos: Vec