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@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ - + diff --git a/templates/map.js b/templates/map.js index 1951d6f..fb02ce6 100644 --- a/templates/map.js +++ b/templates/map.js @@ -1,30 +1,29 @@ -var language = '{{ lang }}'; - -const customLayerURL = "{{ url_for('static', filename='custom.geojson') }}"; -const osmLayerURL = "{{ url_for('get_osm_data_geojson') }}"; - -const textLayerDefaultLayoutParams = { - 'text-font': ['Open Sans Bold'], - 'text-letter-spacing': 0.05, -}; -const textLayerDefaultPaint = { - 'text-color': '#050505', - 'text-halo-color': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)', - 'text-halo-width': 2, -}; +import layers from '../static/data/layers.js' const controlsLocation = 'bottom-right'; -const layersDict = { - background: 'background', - helpPoints: 'helpPoints', - informationPoints: 'informationPoints', - bloodDonation: 'bloodDonation', - socialFacilities: 'socialFacilities', - pharmacies: 'pharmacies', - hospitals: 'hospitals', - diplomatic: 'diplomatic', - charityDropOff: 'charityDropOff', +const LANG = '{{lang}}' + +function getLayersState(layers, lang) { + const layersDefinitions = {}; + const layersVisibilityState = {}; + layers.forEach(layer => { + const { group } = layer.metadata; + const { visibility } = layer.layout; + if(!layersDefinitions[group]) { + layersVisibilityState[group] = visibility === 'visible'; + } + if(layersDefinitions[group]) { + layersDefinitions[group].layers.push(layer); + return + } + layersDefinitions[group] = { + layers: [layer], + id: group, + name: layer.metadata.name[lang], + } + }); + return {layersDefinitions, layersVisibilityState}; } const layersColoursDict = { @@ -39,347 +38,12 @@ const layersColoursDict = { charityDropOff: '#11ee11', } -const layersVisibilityOnInit = { - [layersDict.background]: true, - [layersDict.helpPoints]: true, - [layersDict.informationPoints]: true, - [layersDict.bloodDonation]: false, - [layersDict.socialFacilities]: true, - [layersDict.pharmacies]: false, - [layersDict.hospitals]: false, - [layersDict.diplomatic]: true, - [layersDict.charityDropOff]: true, -} - -function getIsLayerVisibleOnInit(id) { - return layersVisibilityOnInit[id] ? 'visible' : 'none'; -} +const {layersDefinitions, layersVisibilityState} = getLayersState(layers.layers, LANG); +const layersArray = Object.keys(layersDefinitions).map(id => layersDefinitions[id]); const sidebarDivId = 'sidebar-div'; -const usedLayersIds = [ - layersDict.background, - layersDict.helpPoints, - layersDict.informationPoints, - layersDict.bloodDonation, - layersDict.socialFacilities, - layersDict.pharmacies, - layersDict.hospitals, - layersDict.diplomatic, - layersDict.charityDropOff, -]; - -const layersDefinitions = { - [layersDict.background]: { - layers: [ - { - id: layersDict.background, - type: 'raster', - source: 'osmTiles', - minZoom: 0, - maxZoom: 19, - layout: { - visibility: getIsLayerVisibleOnInit(layersDict.background) - } - }, - ], - name: 'OSM Carto {{ strings.map[lang] }}', - id: layersDict.background, - before: layersDict.helpPoints - }, - [layersDict.helpPoints]: { - layers: [ - { - id: `${layersDict.helpPoints}Circles`, - type: 'circle', - source: 'osmData', - 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source: 'osmData', - paint: { - 'circle-color': layersColoursDict.informationPoints, - 'circle-radius': 9, - 'circle-stroke-color': '#fff', - 'circle-stroke-width': 2, - }, - layout: { - visibility: getIsLayerVisibleOnInit(layersDict.informationPoints) - }, - filter: ['==', ['get', 'information:for'], 'refugees'], - }, { - id: `${layersDict.informationPoints}Labels`, - type: 'symbol', - source: 'osmData', - minzoom: 5, - layout: { - 'text-field': '{name:{{ lang }}}', - 'text-offset': [0, 3], - 'text-size': 10, - ...textLayerDefaultLayoutParams, - visibility: getIsLayerVisibleOnInit(layersDict.informationPoints) - }, - paint: textLayerDefaultPaint, - filter: ['==', ['get', 'information:for'], 'refugees'], - }, - ], - name: '{{ strings.information_points[lang] }}', - id: layersDict.informationPoints, - }, - [layersDict.bloodDonation]: { - layers: [ - { - id: `${layersDict.bloodDonation}Circles`, - type: 'circle', - source: 'osmData', - paint: { - 'circle-color': layersColoursDict.bloodDonation, - 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layout: { - visibility: getIsLayerVisibleOnInit(layersDict.socialFacilities) - }, - filter: [ - 'any', - ['in', ['get', 'social_facility'], ['literal', ['shelter', 'food_bank', 'soup_kitchen']]], - ['==', ['get', 'social_facility:for'], 'refugees'], - ], - }, { - id: `${layersDict.socialFacilities}Labels`, - type: 'symbol', - source: 'osmData', - minzoom: 5, - layout: { - 'text-field': '{name:{{ lang }}}', - 'text-offset': [0, 3], - 'text-size': 8, - ...textLayerDefaultLayoutParams, - visibility: getIsLayerVisibleOnInit(layersDict.socialFacilities) - }, - paint: textLayerDefaultPaint, - filter: [ - 'any', - ['in', ['get', 'social_facility'], ['literal', ['shelter', 'food_bank', 'soup_kitchen']]], - ['==', ['get', 'social_facility:for'], 'refugees'], - ], - }, - ], - name: '{{ strings.social_facilities[lang] }}', - id: layersDict.socialFacilities, - }, - [layersDict.pharmacies]: { - layers: [ - { - id: `${layersDict.pharmacies}Circles`, - type: 'circle', - source: 'osmData', - paint: { - 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visibility: getIsLayerVisibleOnInit(layersDict.hospitals) - }, - filter: ['==', ['get', 'amenity'], 'hospital'], - }, { - id: `${layersDict.hospitals}Labels`, - type: 'symbol', - source: 'osmData', - minzoom: 5, - layout: { - 'text-field': '{name:{{ lang }}}', - 'text-offset': [0, 3], - 'text-size': 8, - ...textLayerDefaultLayoutParams, - visibility: getIsLayerVisibleOnInit(layersDict.hospitals) - }, - paint: textLayerDefaultPaint, - filter: ['==', ['get', 'amenity'], 'hospital'], - }, - ], - name: '{{ strings.hospitals[lang] }}', - id: layersDict.hospitals, - }, - [layersDict.diplomatic]: { - layers: [ - { - id: `${layersDict.diplomatic}Circles`, - type: 'circle', - source: 'osmData', - paint: { - 'circle-color': layersColoursDict.diplomatic, - 'circle-radius': 10, - 'circle-stroke-color': '#fff', - 'circle-stroke-width': 2, - }, - layout: { - visibility: getIsLayerVisibleOnInit(layersDict.diplomatic) - }, - filter: ['all', ['==', ['get', 'office'], 'diplomatic'], ['==', ['get', 'country'], 'UA']], - }, { - id: `${layersDict.diplomatic}Labels`, - type: 'symbol', - source: 'osmData', - minzoom: 5, - layout: { - 'text-field': '{name:{{ lang }}}', - 'text-offset': [0, 3], - 'text-size': 8, - ...textLayerDefaultLayoutParams, - visibility: getIsLayerVisibleOnInit(layersDict.diplomatic) - }, - paint: textLayerDefaultPaint, - filter: ['all', ['==', ['get', 'office'], 'diplomatic'], ['==', ['get', 'country'], 'UA']], - }, - ], - name: '{{ strings.consulate[lang] }}', - id: layersDict.diplomatic, - }, - [layersDict.charityDropOff]: { - layers: [ - { - id: `${layersDict.charityDropOff}Circles`, - type: 'circle', - source: 'charityDropOff', - paint: { - 'circle-color': layersColoursDict.charityDropOff, - 'circle-radius': 7, - 'circle-stroke-color': '#fff', - 'circle-stroke-width': 2, - }, - layout: { - visibility: getIsLayerVisibleOnInit(layersDict.charityDropOff) - }, - }, { - id: `${layersDict.charityDropOff}Labels`, - type: 'symbol', - source: 'charityDropOff', - minzoom: 5, - layout: { - 'text-field': '{{ strings.charity_drop_off_singular[lang] }} \n {Name}', - 'text-offset': [0, 3.5], - 'text-size': 8, - ...textLayerDefaultLayoutParams, - visibility: getIsLayerVisibleOnInit(layersDict.charityDropOff) - }, - paint: textLayerDefaultPaint, - }, - ], - name: '{{ strings.charity_drop_off[lang] }}', - id: layersDict.charityDropOff, - }, -}; - -const usedLayersDefs = usedLayersIds.map(layerId => layersDefinitions[layerId]); -const separatedLayersDefs = usedLayersDefs.reduce((acc, layer) => [...acc, ...layer.layers], []); - -var map = new maplibregl.Map({ +const map = new maplibregl.Map({ container: 'map', // container id center: [24.055, 50.538], // starting position [lng, lat] zoom: 7, // starting zoom @@ -387,55 +51,7 @@ var map = new maplibregl.Map({ maxPitch: 0, dragRotate: false, hash: 'map', - style: { - version: 8, - glyphs: "https://fonts.openmaptiles.org/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf", - sources: { - osmTiles: { - type: 'raster', - tiles: [ - 'https://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', - 'https://b.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', - 'https://c.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' - ], - tileSize: 256, - maxzoom: 19, - paint: { - 'raster-fade-duration': 100 - }, - attribution: `data © OpenStreetMap contributors.`, - }, - mediaWikiTiles: { - type: 'raster', - tiles: [ - 'https://maps.wikimedia.org/osm-intl/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?lang=uk' - ], - tileSize: 256, - maxzoom: 19, - paint: { - 'raster-fade-duration': 100 - }, - attribution: `map: WikiMedia; data: © OpenStreetMap contributors.`, - }, - custom: { - type: 'geojson', - data: customLayerURL, - maxzoom: 12, - generateId: true, - }, - osmData: { - type: 'geojson', - data: osmLayerURL, - maxzoom: 12, - }, - charityDropOff: { - type: 'geojson', - data: 'https://dopomoha.pl/data/zbiorki.geojson', - maxzoom: 12, - }, - }, - layers: separatedLayersDefs, - }, + style: layers }); // controlls stuff @@ -461,20 +77,20 @@ map.addControl(geolocate, controlsLocation); // user interaction stuff // ---------------- -Object.entries(layersDict).forEach(x => { - if (x[1] !== 'background') { - map.on('mouseenter', `${x[1]}Circles`, () => { +Object.entries(layersDefinitions).forEach(x => { + if (x[0] !== 'background') { + map.on('mouseenter', `${x[0]}Circles`, () => { map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); - map.on('mouseleave', `${x[1]}Circles`, () => { + map.on('mouseleave', `${x[0]}Circles`, () => { map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; }); } }); -Object.entries(layersDict).forEach(x => { - if (x[1] !== 'background') { - map.on('click', `${x[1]}Circles`, function (e) { +Object.entries(layersDefinitions).forEach(x => { + if (x[0] !== 'background') { + map.on('click', `${x[0]}Circles`, function (e) { const lonlat = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates; const properties = e.features[0].properties; const popupHTML = renderBasicPopup(lonlat, properties); @@ -486,24 +102,6 @@ Object.entries(layersDict).forEach(x => { } }); -// map.on('click', `${layersDict.helpPoints}Circles`, function (e) { -// const lonlat = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates; -// const properties = e.features[0].properties; -// const namePl = e.features[0].properties['name:pl']; -// const nameUk = e.features[0].properties['name:uk']; -// const popupHTML = ` -//${properties.description}
-// `; -// new maplibregl.Popup({maxWidth: '300px'}) -// .setLngLat(e.lngLat) -// .setHTML(popupHTML) -// .addTo(map); -// }); - // ---------------- function renderOSMRouteLink(lonlat, properties) { return `