diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/test_bridge_vlan.py b/tests/unit/modules/test_bridge_vlan.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9831800378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/modules/test_bridge_vlan.py
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# Copyright: (c) 2024, Red Hat
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import json
+from unittest.mock import patch
+from ansible_collections.cifmw.general.tests.unit.utils import (
+    ModuleBaseTestCase,
+    set_module_args,
+    AnsibleExitJson,
+    AnsibleFailJson,
+from ansible_collections.cifmw.general.plugins.modules import bridge_vlan
+class TestBridgeVLAN(ModuleBaseTestCase):
+    """Test core functionality of configuring TAP."""
+    def test_negative_missing_params(self):
+        """Check failure when missing parameters."""
+        with self.assertRaises(AnsibleFailJson):
+            set_module_args({})
+            bridge_vlan.run_module()
+    def test_negative_invalid_network(self):
+        """Test when an invalid network is provided."""
+        set_module_args({"networks": ["test-net"]})
+        with patch.object(bridge_vlan.BridgeVlanCLI, "_get_net_info") as patch_func:
+            _rc = -1
+            _err = "Failed to gather network"
+            patch_func.return_value = (_rc, "", _err)
+            with self.assertRaises(AnsibleExitJson) as rst:
+                bridge_vlan.run_module()
+            result = rst.exception.args[0]
+            self.assertFalse(result["failed"])
+    def test_negative_network_with_no_physical_port(self):
+        """Test when there is no port attached to the network."""
+        set_module_args({"networks": ["test-net"]})
+        _msg = "No physical interface found."
+        with patch.object(bridge_vlan.BridgeVlanCLI, "_get_net_info") as patch_func:
+            _rc = 0
+            _data = [
+                dict(ifindex=0, ifname="vnet0", master="test-net"),
+                dict(ifindex=1, ifname="vnet1", master="test-net"),
+            ]
+            _out = json.dumps(_data)
+            patch_func.return_value = (_rc, _out, None)
+            with self.assertRaises(AnsibleExitJson) as rst:
+                bridge_vlan.run_module()
+            result = rst.exception.args[0]
+            self.assertFalse(result["changed"])
+            self.assertIn("test-net", result["networks"])
+            self.assertEquals(result["networks"]["test-net"]["error"], _msg)
+    def test_negative_network_with_no_tap(self):
+        """Test when there is no port attached to the network."""
+        set_module_args({"networks": ["test-net"]})
+        _msg = "No TAP interfaces found."
+        with patch.object(bridge_vlan.BridgeVlanCLI, "_get_net_info") as patch_func:
+            _rc = 0
+            _data = [dict(ifindex=0, ifname="ens1", master="test-net")]
+            _out = json.dumps(_data)
+            patch_func.return_value = (_rc, _out, None)
+            with self.assertRaises(AnsibleExitJson) as rst:
+                bridge_vlan.run_module()
+            result = rst.exception.args[0]
+            self.assertFalse(result["changed"])
+            self.assertEquals(result["networks"]["test-net"]["error"], _msg)
+    def test_negative_no_vlan_ids(self):
+        """Test when there is no VLAN ids associated with the physical interface."""
+        set_module_args({"networks": ["test-net"]})
+        _msg = "Failed to gather the VLAN information."
+        with patch.object(bridge_vlan.BridgeVlanCLI, "_get_net_info") as patch_func:
+            _rc = 0
+            _data = [
+                dict(ifindex=0, ifname="vnet0", master="test-net"),
+                dict(ifindex=1, ifname="vnet1", master="test-net"),
+                dict(ifindex=2, ifname="ens1", master="test-net"),
+            ]
+            _out = json.dumps(_data)
+            patch_func.return_value = (_rc, _out, None)
+            with patch.object(bridge_vlan.BridgeVlanCLI, "_get_vlan_ids") as patch_vlan:
+                patch_vlan.return_value = []
+                with self.assertRaises(AnsibleExitJson) as rst:
+                    bridge_vlan.run_module()
+                result = rst.exception.args[0]
+                self.assertFalse(result["changed"])
+                self.assertEquals(result["networks"]["test-net"]["error"], _msg)
+    def test_negative_failed_to_apply_vlan(self):
+        """Test failure on applying VLANs to TAP."""
+        set_module_args({"networks": ["test-net"]})
+        with patch.object(bridge_vlan.BridgeVlanCLI, "_get_net_info") as patch_func:
+            _rc = 0
+            _data = [
+                dict(ifindex=0, ifname="vnet0", master="test-net"),
+                dict(ifindex=1, ifname="vnet1", master="test-net"),
+                dict(ifindex=2, ifname="ens1", master="test-net"),
+            ]
+            _out = json.dumps(_data)
+            patch_func.return_value = (_rc, _out, None)
+            with patch.object(bridge_vlan.BridgeVlanCLI, "_get_vlan_ids") as patch_vlan:
+                patch_vlan.return_value = [10]
+                with patch.object(
+                    bridge_vlan.BridgeVlanCLI, "_apply_vlans"
+                ) as patch_apply:
+                    patch_apply.return_value = False
+                    with self.assertRaises(AnsibleExitJson) as rst:
+                        bridge_vlan.run_module()
+                    result = rst.exception.args[0]
+                    self.assertFalse(result["changed"])
+                    self.assertTrue(result["failed"])
+    def test_apply_vlan_on_success(self):
+        """Test apply vlan on success."""
+        set_module_args({"networks": ["test-net"]})
+        with patch.object(bridge_vlan.BridgeVlanCLI, "_get_net_info") as patch_func:
+            _rc = 0
+            _data = [
+                dict(ifindex=0, ifname="vnet0", master="test-net"),
+                dict(ifindex=1, ifname="vnet1", master="test-net"),
+                dict(ifindex=2, ifname="ens1", master="test-net"),
+            ]
+            _out = json.dumps(_data)
+            patch_func.return_value = (_rc, _out, None)
+            with patch.object(bridge_vlan.BridgeVlanCLI, "_get_vlan_ids") as patch_vlan:
+                patch_vlan.return_value = [10]
+                with patch.object(
+                    bridge_vlan.BridgeVlanCLI, "_apply_vlans"
+                ) as patch_apply:
+                    patch_apply.return_value = True
+                    with self.assertRaises(AnsibleExitJson) as rst:
+                        bridge_vlan.run_module()
+                    result = rst.exception.args[0]
+                    self.assertTrue(result["changed"])
+                    self.assertTrue(result["success"])
+                    self.assertFalse(result["failed"])
+                    self.assertIn("test-net", result["networks"])