This is a set of configuration files and scripts which work with OpenShift 3 to create a new application and perform application builds.
This example assumes you have successfully built the openshift
executable (normally located under origin/_output/local/bin/linux/amd64, or the
equivalent for your host platform/architecture), you have that and its
symlink/copy oc
in your PATH
and root's, and Docker is installed and
working. See
Alternatively, if you are using the openshift/origin container, please make sure you follow these instructions first:
OpenShift no longer requires SElinux to be disabled, however OpenShift is a system which runs containers on your system. In some cases (build operations and the registry service) it does so using privileged containers. Furthermore those containers access your host's Docker daemon and perform docker build
and docker push
operations. As such, you should be aware of the inherent security risks associated with performing docker run
operations on arbitrary images as they effectively have root access. This is particularly relevant when running the OpenShift nodes directly on your host system.
For more information, see these articles:
The OpenShift security model will continue to evolve and tighten going forward.
At this stage of OpenShift 3 development, there are a few things that you will need to configure on the host where OpenShift is running in order for things to work.
NOTE: You do not need to do this if you are using Vagrant to work with OpenShift. Refer to the "VAGRANT USERS" callouts throughout this document for modifications specific to Vagrant users.
VAGRANT USERS: If you haven't already, fire up a Vagrant instance, where since a OpenShift compile is occurring in a subsequent step below, you need to override the default amount of memory assigned to the VM.
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
Inside of your Vagrant instance, the path to the origin directory is /data/src/
$ cd /data/src/
Run an advance build of the OpenShift binaries before continuing:
$ make clean build
This will set up a go workspace locally and will build all go components. It is not necessary to make the docker and firewall changes, instead jump to the next section.
VAGRANT USERS: If you are using the OpenShift Vagrant image you can skip this step.
First, you'll need to configure the Docker daemon on your host to trust the container image registry service you'll be starting.
To do this, you need to add "--insecure-registry" to the Docker daemon invocation, eg:
$ docker daemon --insecure-registry
Note that you need to have installed Docker 1.3.2 or higher in order to use the --insecure-registry
If you are running Docker as a service via systemd
, you can add this argument to the options value in /etc/sysconfig/docker
This will instruct the Docker daemon to trust any container image registry on the subnet, rather than requiring the registry to have a verifiable certificate.
These instructions assume you have not changed the kubernetes/openshift service subnet configuration from the default value of
VAGRANT USERS: If you are using the OpenShift Vagrant image you can skip this step.
Similar to our work on SELinux policies, the OpenShift firewalld rules are also a work in progress. For now it is easiest to disable firewalld altogether:
$ sudo systemctl stop firewalld
Firewalld will start again on your next reboot, but you can manually restart it with this command when you are done with the sample app:
$ sudo systemctl start firewalld
If you hit any snags while taking the sample app for a spin, check out the troubleshooting guide.
This section covers how to perform all the steps of building, deploying, and updating an application on the OpenShift platform.
- All commands assume the
binaries are in your path. - All commands assume that you are working from the
directory in your local environment.- If you are working from a local git repo, this might be
- If you are working from a local git repo, this might be
For the sake of this demo, grant a
role to thetest-admin
user and login as that user using any password you want (note that in a real world scenario, as an OpenShift user you would be granted roles from a cluster admin and you might not be able to do most of the following things - depending on your granted roles).$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin test-admin --kubeconfig=openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig $ oc login --certificate-authority=openshift.local.config/master/ca.crt -u test-admin
Create a new project in OpenShift. This creates a namespace
to contain the builds and app that we will generate below.$ oc new-project test --display-name="OpenShift 3 Sample" --description="This is an example project to demonstrate OpenShift v3"
Optional: View the OpenShift web console in your browser by browsing to
. Login using the usertest-admin
and any password.- You will need to have the browser accept the certificate at
before the console can consult the OpenShift API. Of course this would not be necessary with a legitimate certificate. - If you click the
OpenShift 3 Sample
project and leave the tab open, you'll see the page update as you deploy objects into the project and run builds.
- You will need to have the browser accept the certificate at
Optional: Fork the ruby sample repository to an OpenShift-visible git account that you control, preferably somewhere that can also reach your OpenShift server with a webhook. A account is an obvious place for this, but an in-house git hosting site may work better for reaching your OpenShift server.
We will demonstrate building from a repository and then triggering a new build from changing that repository. If you do not have an account that will work for this purpose, that is fine; just use a GitHub account and simulate the webhook (demonstrated below). Without your own fork, you can still run the initial build from OpenShift's public repository, just not a changed build.
Optional: Add the following webhook under the settings in your new GitHub repository:
$ https://<host>:8443/osapi/v1/namespaces/test/buildconfigs/ruby-sample-build/webhooks/secret101/github
- Note: Using the webhook requires that your OpenShift server be publicly accessible so GitHub can reach it to invoke the hook. You will almost certainly need to "Disable SSL Verification" for your test instance as the certificate chain generated is not publicly verified.
- Edit application-template-stibuild.json which will define the sample application
- Update the BuildConfig's sourceURI ( to point to your forked repository. Note: You can skip this step if you did not create a forked repository.
Submit the application template for processing (generating shared parameters requested in the template) and then request creation of the processed template:
$ oc new-app application-template-stibuild.json --> Deploying template ruby-helloworld-sample for "application-template-stibuild.json" ruby-helloworld-sample --------- This example shows how to create a simple ruby application in openshift origin v3 * With parameters: * MYSQL_USER=userPJJ # generated * MYSQL_PASSWORD=cJHNK3se # generated * MYSQL_DATABASE=root --> Creating resources with label app=ruby-helloworld-sample ... service "frontend" created route "route-edge" created imagestream "origin-ruby-sample" created imagestream "ruby-27-centos7" created buildconfig "ruby-sample-build" created deploymentconfig "frontend" created service "database" created deploymentconfig "database" created --> Success Build scheduled, use 'oc logs -f bc/ruby-sample-build' to track its progress. Run 'oc status' to view your app.
Note that no build has actually occurred yet, so at this time there is no image to deploy and no application to visit. But since we've defined ImageChange trigger inside of BuildConfig object a new Build will be started immediately.
Monitor the progress of the build (this can take a few minutes):
$ oc get builds NAME TYPE FROM STATUS STARTED DURATION ruby-sample-build-1 Source Git@bd94cbb Running 7 seconds ago 7s
The built image will be named with the ImageStream (origin-ruby-sample) named in the BuildConfig and pushed to the private container image registry running in OpenShift. (Note that the private container image registry is using ephemeral storage, so when it is stopped, the image will be lost.)
Stream the build logs:
$ oc logs -f bc/ruby-sample-build ... removed for readability ... ---> Installing application source ... ---> Building your Ruby application from source ... ---> Running 'bundle install --deployment' ... Fetching gem metadata from Installing rake 10.3.2 Installing i18n 0.6.11 Installing json 1.8.3 Installing minitest 5.4.2 ... removed for readability ... I0310 12:54:07.595390 1 sti.go:250] Using provided push secret for pushing image I0310 12:54:07.596061 1 sti.go:254] Pushing image ... I0310 12:54:10.286740 1 sti.go:270] Successfully pushed
The creation of the new image in the container image registry will automatically trigger a deployment of the application, creating a pod each for the frontend (your Ruby code) and backend.
Wait for the application's frontend pod and database pods to be started. By the time your build completes, the database pod will most probably have been deployed. Since your frontend depends on your build and once your build is complete, you can monitor your frontend deployment:
$ oc logs -f dc/frontend I0310 12:36:46.976047 1 deployer.go:199] Deploying test/frontend-1 for the first time (replicas: 2) I0310 12:36:47.025372 1 lifecycle.go:168] Created lifecycle pod test/frontend-1-hook-pre for deployment test/frontend-1 I0310 12:36:47.025942 1 lifecycle.go:181] Watching logs for hook pod test/frontend-1-hook-pre while awaiting completion I0310 12:36:50.194431 1 lifecycle.go:221] Finished reading logs for hook pod test/frontend-1-hook-pre I0310 12:36:50.195868 1 rolling.go:120] Pre hook finished I0310 12:36:50.197033 1 recreate.go:126] Scaling test/frontend-1 to 1 before performing acceptance check I0310 12:36:52.247222 1 recreate.go:131] Performing acceptance check of test/frontend-1 I0310 12:36:52.249717 1 lifecycle.go:445] Waiting 120 seconds for pods owned by deployment "test/frontend-1" to become ready (checking every 1 seconds; 0 pods previously accepted) I0310 12:36:54.289925 1 lifecycle.go:466] All pods ready for test/frontend-1 I0310 12:36:54.290422 1 recreate.go:139] Scaling test/frontend-1 to 2 I0310 12:36:56.360679 1 recreate.go:156] Deployment frontend-1 successfully made active I0310 12:36:56.371762 1 lifecycle.go:168] Created lifecycle pod test/frontend-1-hook-post for deployment test/frontend-2 I0310 12:36:56.371825 1 lifecycle.go:181] Watching logs for hook pod test/frontend-1-hook-post while awaiting completion I0310 12:37:00.209644 1 lifecycle.go:221] Finished reading logs for hook pod test/frontend-1-hook-post I0310 12:37:00.236213 1 lifecycle.go:87] Hook failed, ignoring: I0310 12:37:00.236387 1 rolling.go:134] Post hook finished
Note: If the deployment finishes before you try to get its logs,
oc logs -f dc/frontend
will start serving logs from the application pods.$ oc get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE database-1-le4wx 1/1 Running 0 1m frontend-1-e572n 1/1 Running 0 27s frontend-1-votq4 1/1 Running 0 31s ruby-sample-build-1-build 0/1 Completed 0 1m
Determine the IP for the frontend service:
$ oc get services NAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) SELECTOR AGE database <none> 5434/TCP name=database 1m frontend <none> 5432/TCP name=frontend 1m
In this case, the IP for frontend is and it is on port 5432.
Note: you can also get this information from the web console.
Confirm the application is now accessible via the frontend service on port 5432. Go to (or whatever IP address was reported above) in your browser if you're running this locally; otherwise you can use curl to see the HTML, or port forward the address to your local workstation to visit it.
VAGRANT USERS: Open a new terminal and enter this command to forward the application port to a port on your workstation:
$ vagrant ssh -- -L 9999: (or 9999:whatever IP address was reported above)
You can now confirm the application is accessible on port 5432 by going to Note that port 9999 is arbitrary.
You should see a welcome page and a form that allows you to query and update key/value pairs. The keys are stored in the database container running in the database pod.
Make a change to your ruby sample main.html file, commit, and push it via git. If you do not have the webhook enabled, you'll have to manually trigger another build:
$ oc start-build ruby-sample-build
Repeat step 13 (waiting for the build to complete). Once the build is complete, refreshing your browser should show your changes.
Congratulations, you've successfully deployed and updated an application on OpenShift!
OpenShift also provides features that live outside the deployment life cycle like routing.
Your sample app has been created with a secure route which can be viewed by performing a
on the route api object.$ oc get routes NAME HOST/PORT PATH SERVICE LABELS route-edge frontend template=application-template-stibuild
To use the route you must first install a router. OpenShift provides an HAProxy router implementation that we'll use. To install the router you must know the ip address of the host the router will be deployed on (used later) and the api url the master is listening on. The api url can be found in the logs, your ip address can be determined with
ip a
. Replace the ip address shown below with the correct one for your environment.Optional: pre-pull the router image. This will be pulled automatically when the pod is created but will take some time. Your pod will stay in Pending state while the pull is completed
$ docker pull openshift/origin-haproxy-router
Create a service account that the router will use.
$ echo '{"kind":"ServiceAccount","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{"name":"router"}}' | oc create -f -
Give the following permissions to your router service account. It needs to be able to use host network and host ports, and it also needs to be able to list endpoints in all namespaces, that's why you need to grant it the
cluster role.$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user hostnetwork -z router $ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user system:router system:serviceaccount:default:router
The router by default uses the host network. If you wish to use the container network stack and expose ports, add the --host-network=false option to the oc adm router command.
$ oc adm router --service-account=router DeploymentConfig "router" created Service "router" created
Switch to the
project to watch for router to start$ oc project default
Wait for the router to start.
$ oc describe dc router # watch for the number of deployed pods to go to 1
Optional: View the logs of the router.
$ oc logs dc/router I0310 13:08:53.095282 1 router.go:161] Router is including routes in all namespaces
Curl the url, substituting the ip address shown for the correct value in your environment. The easiest way to get the IP is to do a ifconfig from where you have been running the oc command.
$ curl -s -k --resolve ... removed for readability ... <title>Hello from OpenShift v3!</title> ... removed for readability ...
Optional: View the certificate being used for the secure route.
$ openssl s_client -servername -connect ... removed for readability ... subject=/[email protected]/O=Example/OU=Example issuer=/C=US/ST=SC/L=Default City/O=Default Company Ltd/OU=Test CA/[email protected] ... removed for readability ... ^C
In addition to creating resources, you can delete resources based on IDs. For example, if you want to remove only the containers or services created during the demo:
List the existing services:
$ oc get services NAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) SELECTOR AGE database <none> 5434/TCP name=database 6m frontend <none> 5432/TCP name=frontend 6m
To remove the frontend service use the command:
$ oc delete service frontend Service "frontend" deleted
Check the service was removed:
$ oc get services NAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) SELECTOR AGE database <none> 5434/TCP name=database 6m
You can also curl the application to check the service has terminated:
$ curl curl: (7) Failed connect to; No route to host
Another interesting example is deleting a pod.
List available pods:
$ oc get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE database-1-le4wx 1/1 Running 0 7m frontend-1-e572n 1/1 Running 0 6m frontend-1-votq4 1/1 Running 0 6m ruby-sample-build-1-build 0/1 Completed 0 7m
Delete the frontend pod by specifying its ID:
$ oc delete pod frontend-1-votq4
Verify that the pod has been removed by listing the available pods. This also stopped the associated container, you can check using the command:
$ docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES [ ... ] 068ffffa9624 "ruby /tmp/app.rb" 3 minutes ago Exited (0) About a minute ago k8s_ruby-helloworld [ ... ]
To clean up all of your environment, you can run the script:
$ sudo ./
This will stop the openshift
process, remove files created by OpenShift and kill all containers created by Kubernetes in your host system. The cleanup script needs root privileges to be able to remove all the directories OpenShift created.
Use with caution! Any container prefixed with "k8s_" will be killed by this script.