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OCNet series

The following tables listed segmentation results on various datasets. To perform the validation, simply download and put checkpoints to corresponding directories, and run the script. For example, to evaluate HRNet-W48 + OCR on Cityscapes, you should download ocr/Cityscapes/hrnet_w48_ocr_1_latest.pth and put it under ~/checkpoints/cityscapes, then run bash scripts/cityscapes/hrnet/ val 1 to start validation.


Performance on the Cityscapes dataset. The models are trained and tested with input size of 512x1024 and 1024x2048 respectively. The performance of HRNet baseline is around 80.6% based on our training settings, where we train the models with smaller batch size and less iterations compared with the original setting.

Checkpoints should be put under ~/checkpoints/cityscapes.

Methods Backbone Train Set Test Set Iterations Batch Size OHEM Multi-scale Flip mIoU mIoU w/ SegFix Link Script
Base-OC ResNet-101 Train Val 40000 8 No No No 79.49 80.55 Log / Model scripts/cityscapes/ocnet/
ISA ResNet-101 Train Val 40000 8 No No No 79.55 80.62 Log / Model scripts/cityscapes/isa/
OCR ResNet-101 Train Val 40000 8 No No No 79.63 80.68 Log / Model scripts/cityscapes/ocrnet/
ASP-OCR ResNet-101 Train Val 40000 8 No No No 79.89 80.69 Log / Model scripts/cityscapes/ocrnet/
OCR HRNet-W48 Train Val 80000 8 No No No 81.09 81.73 Log / Model scripts/cityscapes/hrnet/

How to reproduce the HRNet + OCR with Mapillary pretraining

To help you to reproduce our best results on the Cityscapes leaderboard, we explain the details of the training pipeline as following:

  • (1) We use the model HRNet_W48_OCR_B as the main architecture, which decreases the intput feature map channels from 720 to 256 (instead of 512) w/o almost no performance drop.
  • (2) We train the HRNet_W48_OCR_B on the original Mapillary training set with batch size=16, crop size=1024x1024, base lr=0.01, and max iterations=500,000 and achieve 50.8 on the Mapillary validation set. We have released the pretrained checkpoint hrnet_w48_ocr_b_mapillary_bs16_500000_1024x1024_lr0.01_1_latest.pth.
  • (3) We fine-tune the above Mapillary pretrained models on the Cityscapes train + val set with script Here we use smaller base learning rate 0.001.
  • (4) We fine-tune the models after (3) on the Cityscapes coarse set with script Here we also empirically find that freezing the BN statistics achieves slightly better results (+0.1%).
  • (5) Last, we fine-tune the models on the Cityscapes train + val set with script Finally, you could achieve the performance around 84.2% on the Cityscapes leaderboard. We have released the pretrained checkpoint hrnet_w48_ocr_b_hrnet48_8_20000_trainval_coarse_trainval_mapillary_pretrain_freeze_bn_1_latest.pth.


On Cityscapes, we can use SegFix scheme to further refine the boundary of segmentation results. To apply SegFix, you should first download to $DATA_ROOT/cityscapes, then unzip the archive. Take HRNet-W48 based OCR as an example. To refine the results on Cityscapes val set, you should first run bash scripts/cityscapes/hrnet/ val 1 to obtain the baseline results, then run bash scripts/cityscapes/hrnet/ segfix 1 val to apply SegFix.


The models are trained with the input size of 520x520, and tested with original size.

Checkpoints should be put under ~/checkpoints/pascal_context.

Methods Backbone Train Set Test Set Iterations Batch Size OHEM Multi-scale Flip mIoU Link Script
OCR HRNet-W48 Train Val 60000 16 No No No 55.11 Log / Model scripts/pascal_context/


The models are trained and tested with input size of 473x473.

Checkpoints should be put under ~/checkpoints/lip.

Methods Backbone Train Set Test Set Iterations Batch Size OHEM Multi-scale Flip mIoU Link Script
OCR HRNet-W48 Train Val 100000 32 No No Yes 56.72 Log / Model scripts/lip/


The models are trained with input size of 520x520, and tested with original size.

Checkpoints should be put under ~/checkpoints/coco_stuff.

Methods Backbone Train Set Test Set Iterations Batch Size OHEM Multi-scale Flip mIoU Link Script
OCR HRNet-W48 Train Val 60000 16 Yes No No 39.61 Log / Model scripts/coco_stuff/run_h_48_d_4_ocr_ohem/
OCR HRNet-W48 Train Val 60000 16 Yes Yes Yes 40.20 same as above scripts/coco_stuff/


The models are trained with input size of 520x520, and tested with original size.

Checkpoints should be put under ~/checkpoints/ade20k.

Methods Backbone Train Set Test Set Iterations Batch Size OHEM Multi-scale Flip mIoU Link Script
OCR HRNet-W48 Train Val 150000 16 Yes No No 44.62 Log / Model scripts/ade20k/hrnet/
OCR HRNet-W48 Train Val 150000 16 Yes Yes Yes 46.19 same as above scripts/ade20k/hrnet/


We strongly recommend you to use our SegFix to improve your segmentation results as it is super easy & fast to use.

SegFix is a general effective (model-agnostic) post-processing scheme (kinds of like DenseCRF). The key idea of the SegFix is to replace the labels of the boundary pixels with the label of the interior pixels. SegFix can be used to improve the semantic/instance segmentation results of any existing approaches, e.g., HRNet, DeepLabv3, OCR, PointRend, MaskRCNN, without any re-training or fine-tuning. We have made the inference code and the offset files of our SegFix method. Please try our SegFix in your Cityscapes submission and you can achieve much better performance. As illustrated in the followed examples, our SegFix is complementary with various very recent methods, such as the PointRend by FAIR.

SegFix Pipelines

Currently openseg allows users to use SegFix in the following ways.

For whom want to try SegFix by training a new SegFix model, you should:

  1. Generate ground truth offsets.
  2. Download ImageNet pretrained model to pretrained_model/.
  3. Run the training script.
  4. Run the prediction script to predict offsets for Cityscapes val / test set.
  5. Run the refinement script to refine any labels with the offsets.

For whom want to try SegFix by using a pretrained SegFix model, you should:

  1. Download corresponding checkpoints to checkpoints/cityscapes/.
  2. Run the prediction script to predict offsets for Cityscapes val / test set.
  3. Run the refinement script to refine any labels with the offsets.

For whom want to try SegFix by using offline-generated offsets, you should:

  1. Download corresponding offsets files to ${DATA_ROOT}/cityscapes and extract them.
  2. Run the refinement script to refine any labels with the offsets.

More details are introduced in the following sections.


# Training
bash scripts/cityscapes/segfix/<script>.sh train 1

Before starting training, you should download the corresponding ImageNet pretrained models to pretrained_model/. By default, we use HRNet-W48 (hrnet48) or HRNet2x-W20 (hrnet2x20) as backbone, but you can choose lighter ones by modifying BACKBONE and PRETRAINED_MODEL in the script.

Backbone Pretrained Model
hrnet18 Github
hrnet32 Github
hrnet48 Github
hrnet2x20 Github


SegFix generates a kind of intermediate files called offsets, which can be used to refine segmentation results from any models.

# Predict offsets for val set and save to path
# `segfix_pred/val/[semantic | instance]/cityscapes/
bash scripts/cityscapes/segfix/<script>.sh segfix_pred_val 1
# Predict offsets for test set and save to path
# `segfix_pred/test/[semantic | instance]/cityscapes/
bash scripts/cityscapes/segfix/<script>.sh segfix_pred_test 1

For example, running

bash scripts/cityscapes/segfix/ segfix_pred_val 1

will store offsets to offset_pred/val/semantic/cityscapes/offset_hrnet48/. Then you can run

python scripts/cityscapes/ \
  --offset offset_pred/val/semantic/cityscapes/offset_hrnet48/ \
  --input <your labels>

to refine your own labels.

Use offline-generated offsets

You can download or to ${DATA_ROOT}/cityscapes and extract the archive.


You can use scripts/cityscapes/ (semantic) or scripts/cityscapes/ (instance) to apply SegFix on your own label files. Usage:

python scripts/cityscapes/segfix[_instance].py \
  --input <path/to/your/label/dir> \
  --split <SPLIT> \
  [ --offset <OFFSET_DIR>] \
  [ --out <OUT_DIR>]


  • <SPLIT> is test or val.
  • <OFFSET_DIR> is the location of SegFix offsets, default to $DATA_ROOT/cityscapes/val/offset_pred/[semantic | instance]/offset_hrnext/ or $DATA_ROOT/cityscapes/test_offset/[semantic | instance]/offset_hrnext/.
  • <OUT_DIR> is an optional output directory.

Cityscapes Semantic Segmentation

Generating ground truth for SegFix

Simply run

python lib/datasets/preprocess/cityscapes/

Scripts and checkpoints for SegFix models

Method Backbone Train Set Script Checkpoint
SegFix HRNet-W48 train scripts/cityscapes/segfix/ Github
SegFix HRNet-W48 train + val scripts/cityscapes/segfix/ -
SegFix HRNet2x-W20 train scripts/cityscapes/segfix/ Github
SegFix HRNet2x-W20 train + val scripts/cityscapes/segfix/ Github

Released prediction files

We have released the prediction of some state-of-the-arts approaches and their SegFixed results. The files can be found here. The performances are listed in the table below:

Method Test Set mIoU w/o SegFix mIoU w/ SegFix
HRNet-W48 val 81.1 81.6
HRNet-W48 + OCR test 84.2 84.5

Refinement with SegFix

Except for the refinement scripts mentioned above, several scripts in openseg have built-in support for SegFix post-processing. For example, you can first run bash scripts/cityscapes/hrnet/ val 1 to get the baseline prediction of HRNet-W48 + OCR model, then run bash scripts/cityscapes/hrnet/ segfix 1 val to further apply SegFix on the prediction labels.

Cityscapes Instance Segmentation

Generating ground truth for SegFix

Simply run

python lib/datasets/preprocess/cityscapes/

Scripts and checkpoints for SegFix models

Method Backbone Train Set Script Checkpoint
SegFix HRNet-W48 train scripts/cityscapes/segfix/ -
SegFix HRNet2x-W20 train scripts/cityscapes/segfix/ Github

Released prediction files

We have released the prediction of some state-of-the-arts approaches and their SegFixed results. The files can be found here. The performances are listed in the table below:

Method Test Set AP w/o SegFix AP w/ SegFix
MaskRCNN (w/ COCO, Detectron2) val 36.5 38.2
PointRend (w/ COCO, Detectron2) val 37.9 39.5
MaskRCNN (w/ COCO, Detectron2) test 32.0 33.3
PointRend (w/ COCO, Detectron2) test 33.3 34.8
PANet (w/ COCO) test 36.4 37.8
PolyTransform (w/ COCO) test 40.1 41.2

Refinement with SegFix

Simply follow the instruction in the Refinement section.