diff --git a/common/src/main/java/org/opensearch/ml/common/CommonValue.java b/common/src/main/java/org/opensearch/ml/common/CommonValue.java
index 9b4a35e8ae..58a6171e57 100644
--- a/common/src/main/java/org/opensearch/ml/common/CommonValue.java
+++ b/common/src/main/java/org/opensearch/ml/common/CommonValue.java
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ public class CommonValue {
public static final String ML_TASK_INDEX = ".plugins-ml-task";
public static final Integer ML_MODEL_INDEX_SCHEMA_VERSION = 3;
public static final Integer ML_TASK_INDEX_SCHEMA_VERSION = 1;
+ public static final String ML_MODEL_RELOAD_INDEX = ".plugins-ml-model-reload";
+ public static final String NODE_ID_FIELD = "node_id";
+ public static final String MODEL_LOAD_RETRY_TIMES_FIELD = "retry_times";
public static final String USER_FIELD_MAPPING = " \""
+ CommonValue.USER
+ "\": {\n"
diff --git a/plugin/src/main/java/org/opensearch/ml/model/MLModelAutoReloader.java b/plugin/src/main/java/org/opensearch/ml/model/MLModelAutoReloader.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5078dd88f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/src/main/java/org/opensearch/ml/model/MLModelAutoReloader.java
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+ * Copyright OpenSearch Contributors
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+package org.opensearch.ml.model;
+import static org.opensearch.common.xcontent.XContentParserUtils.ensureExpectedToken;
+import static org.opensearch.ml.common.CommonValue.ML_MODEL_RELOAD_INDEX;
+import static org.opensearch.ml.common.CommonValue.ML_TASK_INDEX;
+import static org.opensearch.ml.common.CommonValue.MODEL_LOAD_RETRY_TIMES_FIELD;
+import static org.opensearch.ml.common.CommonValue.NODE_ID_FIELD;
+import static org.opensearch.ml.plugin.MachineLearningPlugin.LOAD_THREAD_POOL;
+import static org.opensearch.ml.settings.MLCommonsSettings.ML_COMMONS_MODEL_AUTO_RELOAD_ENABLE;
+import static org.opensearch.ml.settings.MLCommonsSettings.ML_MODEL_RELOAD_MAX_RETRY_TIMES;
+import static org.opensearch.ml.utils.MLNodeUtils.createXContentParserFromRegistry;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
+import org.opensearch.action.ActionListener;
+import org.opensearch.action.StepListener;
+import org.opensearch.action.index.IndexAction;
+import org.opensearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder;
+import org.opensearch.action.index.IndexResponse;
+import org.opensearch.action.search.SearchAction;
+import org.opensearch.action.search.SearchRequestBuilder;
+import org.opensearch.action.search.SearchResponse;
+import org.opensearch.action.support.WriteRequest;
+import org.opensearch.client.Client;
+import org.opensearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode;
+import org.opensearch.cluster.service.ClusterService;
+import org.opensearch.common.settings.Settings;
+import org.opensearch.common.util.CollectionUtils;
+import org.opensearch.common.xcontent.NamedXContentRegistry;
+import org.opensearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
+import org.opensearch.index.query.QueryBuilder;
+import org.opensearch.index.query.QueryBuilders;
+import org.opensearch.ml.cluster.DiscoveryNodeHelper;
+import org.opensearch.ml.common.MLTask;
+import org.opensearch.ml.common.exception.MLException;
+import org.opensearch.ml.common.transport.load.MLLoadModelAction;
+import org.opensearch.ml.common.transport.load.MLLoadModelRequest;
+import org.opensearch.ml.utils.MLNodeUtils;
+import org.opensearch.rest.RestStatus;
+import org.opensearch.search.SearchHit;
+import org.opensearch.search.builder.SearchSourceBuilder;
+import org.opensearch.search.sort.FieldSortBuilder;
+import org.opensearch.search.sort.SortBuilder;
+import org.opensearch.search.sort.SortOrder;
+import org.opensearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
+import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
+ * Manager class for ML models and nodes. It contains ML model auto reload operations etc.
+ */
+public class MLModelAutoReloader {
+ private final Client client;
+ private final ClusterService clusterService;
+ private final NamedXContentRegistry xContentRegistry;
+ private final DiscoveryNodeHelper nodeHelper;
+ private final ThreadPool threadPool;
+ private volatile Boolean enableAutoReloadModel;
+ private volatile Integer autoReloadMaxRetryTimes;
+ /**
+ * constructor method, init all the params necessary for model auto reloading
+ *
+ * @param clusterService clusterService
+ * @param threadPool threadPool
+ * @param client client
+ * @param xContentRegistry xContentRegistry
+ * @param nodeHelper nodeHelper
+ * @param settings settings
+ */
+ public MLModelAutoReloader(
+ ClusterService clusterService,
+ ThreadPool threadPool,
+ Client client,
+ NamedXContentRegistry xContentRegistry,
+ DiscoveryNodeHelper nodeHelper,
+ Settings settings
+ ) {
+ this.clusterService = clusterService;
+ this.client = client;
+ this.xContentRegistry = xContentRegistry;
+ this.nodeHelper = nodeHelper;
+ this.threadPool = threadPool;
+ enableAutoReloadModel = ML_COMMONS_MODEL_AUTO_RELOAD_ENABLE.get(settings);
+ autoReloadMaxRetryTimes = ML_MODEL_RELOAD_MAX_RETRY_TIMES.get(settings);
+ clusterService
+ .getClusterSettings()
+ .addSettingsUpdateConsumer(ML_COMMONS_MODEL_AUTO_RELOAD_ENABLE, it -> enableAutoReloadModel = it);
+ clusterService.getClusterSettings().addSettingsUpdateConsumer(ML_MODEL_RELOAD_MAX_RETRY_TIMES, it -> autoReloadMaxRetryTimes = it);
+ }
+ /**
+ * the main method: model auto reloading
+ */
+ public void autoReloadModel() {
+ log.info("auto reload model enabled: {} ", enableAutoReloadModel);
+ // if we don't need to reload automatically, just return without doing anything
+ if (!enableAutoReloadModel) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // At opensearch startup, get local node id, if not ml node,we ignored, just return without doing anything
+ if (!MLNodeUtils.isMLNode(clusterService.localNode())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ String localNodeId = clusterService.localNode().getId();
+ // auto reload all models of this local ml node
+ threadPool.executor(LOAD_THREAD_POOL).execute(() -> {
+ try {
+ autoReloadModelByNodeId(localNodeId);
+ } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) {
+ log.error("the model auto-reloading has exception,and the root cause message is: {}", e);
+ throw new MLException(e);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * auto reload all the models under the node id
the node must be a ml node
+ *
+ * @param localNodeId node id
+ */
+ @VisibleForTesting
+ void autoReloadModelByNodeId(String localNodeId) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
+ StepListener queryTaskStep = new StepListener<>();
+ StepListener getRetryTimesStep = new StepListener<>();
+ StepListener saveLatestRetryTimesStep = new StepListener<>();
+ if (!clusterService.state().metadata().indices().containsKey(ML_TASK_INDEX)) {
+ // ML_TASK_INDEX did not exist,do nothing
+ return;
+ }
+ queryTask(localNodeId, ActionListener.wrap(queryTaskStep::onResponse, queryTaskStep::onFailure));
+ getRetryTimes(localNodeId, ActionListener.wrap(getRetryTimesStep::onResponse, getRetryTimesStep::onFailure));
+ queryTaskStep.whenComplete(searchResponse -> {
+ SearchHit[] hits = searchResponse.getHits().getHits();
+ if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(hits)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ getRetryTimesStep.whenComplete(getReTryTimesResponse -> {
+ int retryTimes = 0;
+ // if getReTryTimesResponse is null,it means we get retryTimes at the first time,and the index
+ // .plugins-ml-model-reload doesn't exist,so we should let retryTimes be zero(init value)
+ // we don't do anything
+ // if getReTryTimesResponse is not null,it means we have saved the value of retryTimes into the index
+ // .plugins-ml-model-reload,so we get the value of the field MODEL_LOAD_RETRY_TIMES_FIELD
+ if (getReTryTimesResponse != null) {
+ Map sourceAsMap = getReTryTimesResponse.getHits().getHits()[0].getSourceAsMap();
+ retryTimes = (Integer) sourceAsMap.get(MODEL_LOAD_RETRY_TIMES_FIELD);
+ }
+ // According to the node id to get retry times, if more than the max retry times, don't need to retry
+ // that the number of unsuccessful reload has reached the maximum number of times, do not need to reload
+ if (retryTimes > autoReloadMaxRetryTimes) {
+ log.info("Node: {} has reached to the max retry limit, failed to load models", localNodeId);
+ return;
+ }
+ try (XContentParser parser = createXContentParserFromRegistry(xContentRegistry, hits[0].getSourceRef())) {
+ ensureExpectedToken(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, parser.nextToken(), parser);
+ MLTask mlTask = MLTask.parse(parser);
+ autoReloadModelByNodeAndModelId(localNodeId, mlTask.getModelId());
+ // if reload the model successfully,the number of unsuccessful reload should be reset to zero.
+ retryTimes = 0;
+ } catch (MLException e) {
+ retryTimes++;
+ log.error("Can't auto reload model in node id {} ,has tried {} times\nThe reason is:{}", localNodeId, retryTimes, e);
+ }
+ // Store the latest value of the retryTimes and node id under the index ".plugins-ml-model-reload"
+ saveLatestRetryTimes(
+ localNodeId,
+ retryTimes,
+ ActionListener.wrap(saveLatestRetryTimesStep::onResponse, saveLatestRetryTimesStep::onFailure)
+ );
+ }, getRetryTimesStep::onFailure);
+ }, queryTaskStep::onFailure);
+ saveLatestRetryTimesStep.whenComplete(response -> log.info("successfully complete all steps"), saveLatestRetryTimesStep::onFailure);
+ }
+ /**
+ * auto reload 1 model under the node id
+ *
+ * @param localNodeId node id
+ * @param modelId model id
+ */
+ @VisibleForTesting
+ void autoReloadModelByNodeAndModelId(String localNodeId, String modelId) throws MLException {
+ List allMLNodeIdList = Arrays
+ .stream(nodeHelper.getAllNodes())
+ .filter(MLNodeUtils::isMLNode)
+ .map(DiscoveryNode::getId)
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ if (!allMLNodeIdList.contains(localNodeId)) {
+ allMLNodeIdList.add(localNodeId);
+ }
+ MLLoadModelRequest mlLoadModelRequest = new MLLoadModelRequest(modelId, allMLNodeIdList.toArray(new String[] {}), false, false);
+ client
+ .execute(
+ MLLoadModelAction.INSTANCE,
+ mlLoadModelRequest,
+ ActionListener
+ .wrap(response -> log.info("the model {} is auto reloading under the node {} ", modelId, localNodeId), exception -> {
+ log.error("fail to reload model " + modelId + " under the node " + localNodeId + "\nthe reason is: " + exception);
+ throw new MLException(
+ "fail to reload model " + modelId + " under the node " + localNodeId + "\nthe reason is: " + exception
+ );
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * query task index, and get the result of "task_type"="LOAD_MODEL" and "state"="COMPLETED" and
+ * "worker_node" match nodeId
+ *
+ * @param localNodeId one of query condition
+ */
+ @VisibleForTesting
+ void queryTask(String localNodeId, ActionListener searchResponseActionListener) {
+ SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder().from(0).size(1);
+ QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilders
+ .boolQuery()
+ .must(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("task_type", "LOAD_MODEL"))
+ .must(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("worker_node", localNodeId))
+ .must(
+ QueryBuilders
+ .boolQuery()
+ .should(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("state", "COMPLETED"))
+ .should(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("state", "COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR"))
+ );
+ searchSourceBuilder.query(queryBuilder);
+ SortBuilder sortBuilderOrder = new FieldSortBuilder("create_time").order(SortOrder.DESC);
+ searchSourceBuilder.sort(sortBuilderOrder);
+ SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = new SearchRequestBuilder(client, SearchAction.INSTANCE)
+ .setIndices(ML_TASK_INDEX)
+ .setSource(searchSourceBuilder);
+ searchRequestBuilder.execute(ActionListener.wrap(searchResponseActionListener::onResponse, exception -> {
+ log.error("index {} not found, the reason is {}", ML_TASK_INDEX, exception);
+ throw new MLException("index " + ML_TASK_INDEX + " not found");
+ }));
+ }
+ /**
+ * get retry times from the index ".plugins-ml-model-reload" by 1 ml node
+ *
+ * @param localNodeId the filter condition to query
+ */
+ @VisibleForTesting
+ void getRetryTimes(String localNodeId, ActionListener searchResponseActionListener) {
+ if (!clusterService.state().metadata().indices().containsKey(ML_MODEL_RELOAD_INDEX)) {
+ // ML_MODEL_RELOAD_INDEX did not exist, it means it is our first time to do model auto-reloading operation
+ searchResponseActionListener.onResponse(null);
+ }
+ SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
+ searchSourceBuilder.fetchSource(new String[] { MODEL_LOAD_RETRY_TIMES_FIELD }, null);
+ QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilders.idsQuery().addIds(localNodeId);
+ searchSourceBuilder.query(queryBuilder);
+ SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = new SearchRequestBuilder(client, SearchAction.INSTANCE)
+ .setSource(searchSourceBuilder);
+ searchRequestBuilder.execute(ActionListener.wrap(searchResponse -> {
+ SearchHit[] hits = searchResponse.getHits().getHits();
+ if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(hits)) {
+ searchResponseActionListener.onResponse(null);
+ return;
+ }
+ searchResponseActionListener.onResponse(searchResponse);
+ }, searchResponseActionListener::onFailure));
+ }
+ /**
+ * save retry times
+ * @param localNodeId node id
+ * @param retryTimes actual retry times
+ */
+ @VisibleForTesting
+ void saveLatestRetryTimes(String localNodeId, int retryTimes, ActionListener indexResponseActionListener) {
+ Map content = new HashMap<>(2);
+ content.put(NODE_ID_FIELD, localNodeId);
+ content.put(MODEL_LOAD_RETRY_TIMES_FIELD, retryTimes);
+ IndexRequestBuilder indexRequestBuilder = new IndexRequestBuilder(client, IndexAction.INSTANCE, ML_MODEL_RELOAD_INDEX)
+ .setId(localNodeId)
+ .setSource(content)
+ .setRefreshPolicy(WriteRequest.RefreshPolicy.IMMEDIATE);
+ indexRequestBuilder.execute(ActionListener.wrap(indexResponse -> {
+ if (indexResponse.status() == RestStatus.CREATED || indexResponse.status() == RestStatus.OK) {
+ log.info("node id:{} insert retry times successfully", localNodeId);
+ indexResponseActionListener.onResponse(indexResponse);
+ }
+ }, e -> {
+ log.error("node id:" + localNodeId + " insert retry times unsuccessfully", e);
+ indexResponseActionListener.onFailure(new MLException(e));
+ }));
+ }
diff --git a/plugin/src/main/java/org/opensearch/ml/plugin/MachineLearningPlugin.java b/plugin/src/main/java/org/opensearch/ml/plugin/MachineLearningPlugin.java
index 2c44a7aa0d..97fe0baafb 100644
--- a/plugin/src/main/java/org/opensearch/ml/plugin/MachineLearningPlugin.java
+++ b/plugin/src/main/java/org/opensearch/ml/plugin/MachineLearningPlugin.java
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
import org.opensearch.ml.engine.algorithms.sample.LocalSampleCalculator;
import org.opensearch.ml.indices.MLIndicesHandler;
import org.opensearch.ml.indices.MLInputDatasetHandler;
+import org.opensearch.ml.model.MLModelAutoReloader;
import org.opensearch.ml.model.MLModelCacheHelper;
import org.opensearch.ml.model.MLModelManager;
import org.opensearch.ml.rest.RestMLCreateModelMetaAction;
@@ -175,6 +176,8 @@ public class MachineLearningPlugin extends Plugin implements ActionPlugin {
private MLModelChunkUploader mlModelChunkUploader;
private MLEngine mlEngine;
+ private MLModelAutoReloader mlModelAutoReloader;
private Client client;
private ClusterService clusterService;
private ThreadPool threadPool;
@@ -352,6 +355,9 @@ public Collection