diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index c5af055dca8a6..3c7757c7bd070 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Inspired from [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/)
 - Fix flaky random test `NRTReplicationEngineTests.testUpdateSegments` ([#4352](https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/pull/4352))
 - [Segment Replication] Extend FileChunkWriter to allow cancel on transport client ([#4386](https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/pull/4386))
 - [Segment Replication] Add check to cancel ongoing replication with old primary on onNewCheckpoint on replica ([#4363](https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/pull/4363))
+- Fixed the `_cat/shards/10_basic.yml` test cases fix.
 ### Security
 - CVE-2022-25857 org.yaml:snakeyaml DOS vulnerability ([#4341](https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/pull/4341))
diff --git a/rest-api-spec/src/main/resources/rest-api-spec/test/cat.shards/10_basic.yml b/rest-api-spec/src/main/resources/rest-api-spec/test/cat.shards/10_basic.yml
index f07a06aba4388..6ebe273d552cc 100644
--- a/rest-api-spec/src/main/resources/rest-api-spec/test/cat.shards/10_basic.yml
+++ b/rest-api-spec/src/main/resources/rest-api-spec/test/cat.shards/10_basic.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
   - skip:
-      version: " - 7.99.99"
-      reason:  shard path stats were added in 8.0.0
+      version: " - 2.9.99"
+      reason:  point in time stats were added in 3.0.0
+      features: node_selector
   - do:
         help: true
+      node_selector:
+        version: "3.0.0 - "
   - match:
       $body: |
@@ -85,6 +88,92 @@
                     path.state                       .+   \n
+"Help before - 3.0.0":
+  - skip:
+      version: "3.0.0 - "
+      reason:  point in time stats were added in 3.0.0
+      features: node_selector
+  - do:
+      cat.shards:
+        help: true
+      node_selector:
+        version: " - 2.9.99"
+  - match:
+      $body: |
+        /^   index                            .+   \n
+             shard                            .+   \n
+             prirep                           .+   \n
+             state                            .+   \n
+             docs                             .+   \n
+             store                            .+   \n
+             ip                               .+   \n
+             id                               .+   \n
+             node                             .+   \n
+             sync_id                          .+   \n
+             unassigned.reason                .+   \n
+             unassigned.at                    .+   \n
+             unassigned.for                   .+   \n
+             unassigned.details               .+   \n
+             recoverysource.type              .+   \n
+             completion.size                  .+   \n
+             fielddata.memory_size            .+   \n
+             fielddata.evictions              .+   \n
+             query_cache.memory_size          .+   \n
+             query_cache.evictions            .+   \n
+             flush.total                      .+   \n
+             flush.total_time                 .+   \n
+             get.current                      .+   \n
+             get.time                         .+   \n
+             get.total                        .+   \n
+             get.exists_time                  .+   \n
+             get.exists_total                 .+   \n
+             get.missing_time                 .+   \n
+             get.missing_total                .+   \n
+             indexing.delete_current          .+   \n
+             indexing.delete_time             .+   \n
+             indexing.delete_total            .+   \n
+             indexing.index_current           .+   \n
+             indexing.index_time              .+   \n
+             indexing.index_total             .+   \n
+             indexing.index_failed            .+   \n
+             merges.current                   .+   \n
+             merges.current_docs              .+   \n
+             merges.current_size              .+   \n
+             merges.total                     .+   \n
+             merges.total_docs                .+   \n
+             merges.total_size                .+   \n
+             merges.total_time                .+   \n
+             refresh.total                    .+   \n
+             refresh.time                     .+   \n
+             refresh.external_total           .+   \n
+             refresh.external_time            .+   \n
+             refresh.listeners                .+   \n
+             search.fetch_current             .+   \n
+             search.fetch_time                .+   \n
+             search.fetch_total               .+   \n
+             search.open_contexts             .+   \n
+             search.query_current             .+   \n
+             search.query_time                .+   \n
+             search.query_total               .+   \n
+             search.scroll_current            .+   \n
+             search.scroll_time               .+   \n
+             search.scroll_total              .+   \n
+             segments.count                   .+   \n
+             segments.memory                  .+   \n
+             segments.index_writer_memory     .+   \n
+             segments.version_map_memory      .+   \n
+             segments.fixed_bitset_memory     .+   \n
+             seq_no.max                       .+   \n
+             seq_no.local_checkpoint          .+   \n
+             seq_no.global_checkpoint         .+   \n
+             warmer.current                   .+   \n
+             warmer.total                     .+   \n
+             warmer.total_time                .+   \n
+             path.data                        .+   \n
+             path.state                       .+   \n
+        $/
 "Test cat shards output":
   - do: