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This repository is a work-in-progress implementation of Rewrite Python language support.

Implementation Progress

This is largely based on the Python grammar specification.



Element Status Example Mapping Notes Limitations
Simple Statement List
a = 1; b=a*2; print(b)
Function Definition
If Statement
Class Definition Implemented as J.ClassDeclaration. Base classes are stored in implementings.
With Statement Implemented as J.Try with a non-empty resources list.
For Statement
Try Statement
While Statement
Match Statement
Except Statement
Assignment Statement
Augment-Assignment Unsupported: //, **, %, @.
Return Statement
return x
Import Statement
from . import foo
Implemented as J.Import, with GroupedStatement markers.
Raise Statement
Pass Statement
Implemented as Py.PassStatement.
Delete Statement
del x, y
Implemented as Py.DelStatement.
Yield Statement
Assert Statement
assert x, y
Implemented as Py.Assert.
Break Statement
Continue Statement
Global Statement
global x
Implemented as Py.VariableScopeStatement.
Nonlocal Statement
nonlocal x
Implemented as Py.VariableScopeStatement.
Decorators Implemented as J.Annotation. Does not support arbitrary expressions (PEP 614).
Type Comments
Numeric Literal
String Literal
Boolean Literal
None Literal
Implemented as Java null.
List Literal
[1, 2, 3]
Implemented as __builtins__.list call.
Set Literal
{1, 2, 3}
Implemented as __builtins__.set call.
Dict Literal
{1: 2, 3: 4}
Tuple Literal
(1, 2, 3)
Implemented as __builtins__.tuple call.
List Comprehension
[x for x in xs]
Set Comprehension
{x for x in xs}
Dict Comprehension
{x:x for x in xs}
Generator Comprehension
(x for x in xs)
Yield Expression
yield from x
Implemented as Py.YieldExpression.
Await Expression
await x
Implemented as Py.AwaitExpression.
Bitwise Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Comparison Operators Non-Java comparisons are implemented using desugared magic methods (e.g. __eq__).
Slices Implemented using a desugared call to __builtins__.slice.
Lambda Expressions
Call Expressions
Invocation of arbitrary expressions is implemented using desugared __call__.
Attribute Access Implemented as J.FieldAccess.
Comments Implemented as PyComment.