+ JHOVE is one of the most widely-used digital preservation tools in the community, and it is also used as a component in several commercial digital preservation systems. It is open source meaning it is free to download, use and modify. However, it is not free of costs to host, maintain, support or develop the software. Currently, only OPF members support JHOVE as part of their membership fees.
So, how can you help?
Become an OPF member
+ By becoming a member of the OPF, organisations are directly helping to fund the hosting, maintenance, and development of the software ensuring it is robust and reliable.
+ Members can also choose to guide the roadmap and:
Sit on the JHOVE Product Board
Vote for bug fixes and enhancements to be included in each release cycle
+ Make a donation to support JHOVE development:
Contribute to JHOVE
+ We also welcome community contributions. We are looking for users and developers to join our active JHOVE community and help:
Test the software
Improve documentation
Contribute test files
+ We run online JHOVE Hack Days where volunteers from around the world work collaboratively to enhance our understanding of JHOVE errors and improve documentation. The report from the most recent hack day is published on the Foundation’s website. If you would like to contribute or get involved in the next hack day, please contact us.
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Support JHOVE
-JHOVE is one of the most widely-used digital preservation tools in the community, and it is also used as a component in several commercial digital preservation systems. It is open source meaning it is free to download, use and modify. However, it is not free of costs to host, maintain, support or develop the software. Currently, only OPF members support JHOVE as part of their membership fees.
So, how can you help?
Become an OPF member
-By becoming a member of the OPF, organisations are directly helping to fund the hosting, maintenance, and development of the software ensuring it is robust and reliable.
- Members can also choose to guide the roadmap and:
Sit on the JHOVE Product Board
Vote for bug fixes and enhancements to be included in each release cycle
- Make a donation to support JHOVE development:
Contribute to JHOVE
- We also welcome community contributions. We are looking for users and developers to join our active JHOVE community and help:
Test the software
Improve documentation
Contribute test files
- We run online JHOVE Hack Days where volunteers from around the world work collaboratively to enhance our understanding of JHOVE errors and improve documentation. The report from the most recent hack day is published on the Foundation’s website. If you would like to contribute or get involved in the next hack day, please contact us.