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File metadata and controls

238 lines (195 loc) · 9.2 KB

Metaculus logo-blue on transparent

This is the codebase for the open source Metaculus website. This readme is a work in progress. Feel free to suggest edits or open an issue if you have any questions.


If you make a meaningful contribution to the Metaculus codebase, e.g. solving an issue we'll send you a Metaculus hoodie (please email the shipping address to [email protected])

If you want to contribute, set up a local development environment using the instructions below. Create an issue if you are having problems doing so.

We curate a list of issues suitable for newcomers. It's a great place to start.

Feel free to suggest your own changes and ideas as an issue. We'll discuss it and help you get started on implementing it.


To run this project locally, you'll need python, poetry, django, postgres, redis, and npm/node. This will be a quick rundown of the setup process. (Note: all commands written for a unix bash shell)

.env file

Create a .env file in the root directory of the project by copying the .env.example file. This will hold all of the environment variables that are used by the project. For example, adding DEBUG=true will give you access to the django debug toolbar in bowser.


Install Postgres - your database manager:

sudo apt install postgresql

Create a database: You'll need to create a database for the data. The default name will be metaculus which is how it is referenced throughout this codebase, but if you name yours differently you may have to change some commands and a few instances within files. (TODO: list locations in codebase to change)

sudo -u postgres psql # start up postgres

Then in the postgres shell:


You may have to give metaculus a superuser as an owner, which you can do with:

ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'postgres';
ALTER DATABASE metaculus WITH OWNER postgres;

Note: to leave psql, type \q

Next, add the database name to your .env file:


You may have to start postgresql manually when starting your server. You can do this by running sudo service postgresql start

The last step in getting your database ready is adding the pgvector database extension: Note: Replace 16 with your Postgres server version

sudo apt install postgresql-16-pgvector

Installing pgvector on Mac:

  1. git clone
  2. cd pgvector
  3. Find out your pg_config path
    A few common paths on Mac are:
  • EDB installer: /Library/PostgreSQL/16/bin/pg_config
  • Homebrew (arm64): /opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql@16/bin/pg_config
  • Homebrew (x86-64): /usr/local/opt/postgresql@16/bin/pg_config
    Note: Replace 16 with your Postgres server version
  1. export PG_CONFIG=path/to/pg_config
  2. make
  3. make install
  4. Connect to psql and enable extension: CREATE EXTENSION vector; Other installations and detailed instructions -

Then enable the extension:

sudo -u postgres psql # start up postgres


You'll need redis for caching and some background tasks. Install redis:

sudo apt install redis-server

You can start redis with sudo service redis-server start That should be it for redis.

Pyenv, Poetry, and Python & Dependencies

You'll need to install python version 3.12.3 (or higher), and we use poety for dependency management. We recommend using pyenv to manage python versions. Install pyenv:

curl | bash

Then, install python 3.12.3:

pyenv install 3.12.3
pyenv global 3.12.3

Install poetry:

curl -sSL | python3 -

If all is intalled properly, you should be able to run poetry --version and get 3.12.3. It is also useful to know that you can run poetry env use 3.12.3 to switch to a specific python version. And to use poetry shell to enter a poetry shell so you won't have to prefix all of the python commands with poetry run.

With that, you should be good to start installing the python dependencies.

poetry install

Nvm/Node & Frontend

You'll need node to build the frontend. We use nvm for managing node versions. Install nvm with:

curl -o- | bash

Then, install node 18.16.0:

nvm install 18.16.0
nvm use 18.16.0

To install the frontend dependencies, run:

cd front_end
npm install

Note: you have to switch to the front_end directory to run the npm commands as they are all nested there.

Running the server

The first time you're booting up the server, make sure postgres is running (sudo service postgresql start), then you'll need to run the migrations and collect static files. Running migrations:

poetry run python migrate

Collecting static files:

poetry run python collectstatic

Then you can run the server with:

poetry run python runserver

Running the frontend

Running the front end is pretty easy. Note that you'll have to navidate to the font_end directory first.

cd front_end
npm run dev

Running the task broker

We use dramatiq for our task broker. To run it, you'll need to run the following command:

poetry run python rundramatiq

This will handle asynchronous tasks such as scoring questions, evaluating metrics like "movement", and processing notifications.


Here are some other useful things to know about


To run the backend tests, you can run:

poetry run pytest

(TODO: add front end testing) When contributing to the project, adding tests is highly encouraged and will increase the likelihood of your PR being merged. We


We use mjml to generate html emails. To edit emails, you'll edit a mjml template and in order to have the html automatically updated, you'll need to run the following command:

poetry run python mjml_compose

Setup a test database

If you want to populate your database with some example data, you can load our testing database dump (available as a release artefact)

pg_restore -d metaculus test_metaculus.sql

and then run migrations to make sure the database is up to date:

poetry run python migrate


We use Husky to run linter and typescript checks before committing (see front_end/.husky).

Restricted Dev Access

To enable restricted Dev access, you need to add ALPHA_ACCESS_TOKEN=<token> as an env variable for both the BE and the FE (both the FE server & the env where the FE is compiled, which should be the same in most cases)


We use Django Anymail to integrate various email providers through a single library, simplifying our email management By default, we use the Mailgun provider.

.env Configuration:


Bug Bounty

Our bug bounty system classifies vulnerabilities as one of the following:

  • hard to exploit

    • i.e. it would take hundreds of hours of expensive compute and luck
    • e.g. doing a DDOS attack and repeatedly accessing a specific endpoint leads to an error log being returned by the endpoint. In 1/100 cases that log might contain a user password.
  • easy to exploit

    • i.e. it can be done reliably and in a short amount of time
    • e.g. the user admin with password admin can access the admin panel
  • limited in scope

    • i.e. it would have only minimal effects on privacy/security
    • e.g. you can see private first and last name data from all users that have created tournaments
  • broad in scope

    • i.e. it would affect most users and leak significant amounts information—or give a lot of control to the attacker.
    • e.g. you can inspect the HTML of user profile pages and see the user's password in plain text

Bounty payouts:

  • Vulnerabilities that are hard to exploit and limited in scope: $200
  • Vulnerabilities that are hard to exploit, but broad in scope—or that are limited in scope, but easy to exploit: $400
  • Vulnerabilities that are easy to exploit and broad in scope: $2000

Please email all such vulnerabilities to: [email protected] with the subject Security Vulnerability

Note: This bug bounty system begins September 10th, 2024. Before that point we will still award $100 for security vulnerabilities, but we expect an internal audit to catch most of these.

Note: The first reporter receives the bounty. If multiple reports occur within a few minutes of each other, the prize will be split.

Note: Making the exploit public will annul the bounty.