The desktop app ZAP ( ) is a cross platform Lightning Network wallet focused on user experience and ease of use.
Download ZAP for your operating system:
Install instructions:
Allow connections to the RaspiBolt from your LAN. Check what your LAN IP address is starting with eg. or and use the address accordingly. Changing the last number (xxx) with .0/24 will allow all IP addresses from your local network.
$ sudo nano /home/bitcoin/.lnd/lnd.conf
Add the following line to the section
[Application Options]
Delete tls.cert (restarting LND will recreate it):
$ sudo rm /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.*
Restart LND :
$ sudo systemctl restart lnd
Copy the new tls.cert to user "admin", as it is needed for lncli:
$ sudo cp /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert /home/admin/.lnd
Unlock wallet
$ lncli unlock
Allow the ufw firewall to listen on 10009 from the LAN:
$ sudo ufw allow from to any port 10009 comment 'allow LND grpc from local LAN'
restart and check the firewall:
$ sudo ufw enable
$ sudo ufw status
Install LndConnect:
$ cd ~
$ go get -d
- this can take a couple of minutes
$ cd ~/go/src/
$ make install
Generate the Connection String
$ cd ~/go/bin
$ ./lndconnect --lnddir=/home/admin/.lnd --image --host=your.RaspiBolt.LAN.IP --port=10009
Copy the resulting text starting with lndconnect://...
- Start ZAP on your desktop
- Create new wallet
- Connect to your node
- Paste the Connection string generated with LndConnect
- Confirm and Connect
Copy the tls.cert to your home directory:
$ scp [email protected]:/home/admin/.lnd/tls.cert ~/
Copy the admin.macaroon to your home directory:
$ scp [email protected]:/home/bitcoin/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon ~/
- Start the app and select:
Connect your own node
- Fill in the next screen:
- Confirm the settings on the following screen and you are done!