(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
or iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)
+ Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)'),
+ pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)'),
pb('iconUseState', 'Icon depends on state', 'Use the state of the item to get a dynamic icon (for openHAB icons only)'),
pn('iconSize', 'Icon Size', 'Size of the icon in pixels (40 by default)'),
pn('iconWidth', 'Icon Width', 'Width of the icon in pixels (for openHAB icons only, 40 by default)').a(),
pn('iconHeight', 'Icon Height', 'Height of the icon in pixels (for openHAB icons only, 40 by default)').a(),
- pt('iconColor', 'Icon Color', 'Color of the icon (for Framework7/Material icons); use expression for dynamic colors')
+ pt('iconColor', 'Icon Color', 'Color of the icon (for Framework7/Material/certain Iconify icons); use expression for dynamic colors')
.paramGroup(pg('tooltip', 'Tooltip', 'You can customize the styles further with CSS attributes in the tooltipStyle
parameter (in YAML only)'), [
pt('tooltip', 'Tooltip Text', 'The tooltip text - leave blank to display the state of the item'),
diff --git a/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/standard/cards.js b/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/standard/cards.js
index 0a91223fe6..6611286cb0 100644
--- a/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/standard/cards.js
+++ b/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/standard/cards.js
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export const OhLabelCardDefinition = () => new WidgetDefinition('oh-label-card',
pt('background', 'Background style', 'Background style (in CSS "background" attribute format)'),
pt('fontSize', 'Font Size', 'Font size (e.g. "34px")'),
pt('fontWeight', 'Font Weight', 'Font weight (e.g. "normal" or "bold")'),
- pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)'),
+ pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)'),
pt('iconColor', 'Icon Color', 'Not applicable to openHAB icons').a(),
pn('iconSize', 'Icon Size', 'Size of the icon in px').a(),
pb('iconUseState', 'Icon depends on state', 'Use the state of the item to get a dynamic icon (for openHAB icons only)').a(),
diff --git a/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/standard/cells.js b/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/standard/cells.js
index c2f9f4a2a9..54348f267a 100644
--- a/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/standard/cells.js
+++ b/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/standard/cells.js
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export const CellParameters = () => [
pt('title', 'Title', 'Title of the cell'),
pt('subtitle', 'Subtitle', 'Subtitle of the cell'),
pt('footer', 'Footer', 'Footer of the cell'),
- pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)'),
+ pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)'),
pt('color', 'Highlight Color', 'Color to use when highlighted'),
pt('on', '"On" expression', 'Expression to determine when the card should be highlighted. If blank, determine automatically from the primary bound item if applicable.').a()
diff --git a/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/standard/listitems.js b/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/standard/listitems.js
index 28e53df4cc..9515bd4801 100644
--- a/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/standard/listitems.js
+++ b/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/standard/listitems.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export const ListItemParameters = () => [
pt('title', 'Title', 'Title of the item'),
pt('subtitle', 'Subtitle', 'Subtitle of the item'),
pt('after', 'After', 'Text to display on the opposite side of the item (set either this or a badge)').a(),
- pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon) or material:iconName
(Material icon)'),
+ pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use oh:iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)'),
pt('iconColor', 'Icon Color', 'Not applicable to openHAB icons').a(),
pb('iconUseState', 'Icon depends on state', 'Use the state of the item to get a dynamic icon (for openHAB icons only)').a()
diff --git a/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/system/icon.js b/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/system/icon.js
index 28c80c2d77..be3fbbdcb4 100644
--- a/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/system/icon.js
+++ b/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/assets/definitions/widgets/system/icon.js
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
-import { pb, pt } from '../helpers.js'
+import { pb, pi, pt } from '../helpers.js'
export default () => [
- pb('icon', 'Icon', 'openHAB icon'),
- pt('width', 'Width', ''),
- pt('inputmode', 'Input Mode', 'Type of data that might be entered: see MDN docs'),
- pt('placeholder', 'Placeholder', 'Placeholder text'),
- pb('clearButton', 'Clear button', 'Display input clear button'),
- pb('outline', 'Outline', 'Makes input outline'),
- pb('required', 'Required', 'Display an error message if left empty'),
- pt('item', 'Item', 'Link the input value to the state of this item'),
- pt('value', 'Value', 'Value when not found in item state or variable'),
- pt('variable', 'Variable', 'Name of the variable to set when the input changes')
+ pb('icon', 'Icon', 'oh:iconName
or iconName
(openHAB icon), f7:iconName
(Framework7 icon), material:iconName
(Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName
(Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)'),
+ pi('width', 'Width', 'Width of the icon in pixels'),
+ pi('height', 'Height', 'Height of the icon in pixels'),
+ pt('color', 'Color', 'Color of the icon (for F7/Material icons, a Framework7 color theme, for Iconify icons, a CSS color). Not applicable to OH icons.'),
+ pb('inline', 'Inline', 'Display the icon inline (for Iconify icons only)'),
+ pt('rotate', 'Rotate', 'Rotate the icon (for Iconify icons only; use a CSS value e.g. 90deg)'),
+ pb('horizontalFlip', 'Horizontal Flip', 'Flips the icon horizontally (for Iconify icons only)'),
+ pb('verticalFlip', 'Vertical Flip', 'Flips the icon vertically (for Iconify icons only)'),
+ pb('state', 'State', 'State of the icon (usually the state of an item) to use dynamic icons')
diff --git a/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/components/widgets/plan/oh-plan-marker.vue b/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/components/widgets/plan/oh-plan-marker.vue
index 6212febb1e..0365aa705e 100644
--- a/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/components/widgets/plan/oh-plan-marker.vue
+++ b/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web/src/components/widgets/plan/oh-plan-marker.vue
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@