- Christopher Woods : chryswoods
- Gareth Jones : gareth-j
- Chris Edsall : christopheredsall
- Sam Le : samle-appsbroker
- Archana Singh : archanasingh16
We gratefully acknowledge funding and support from the following sources
- University of Bristol
- EPSRC : EP/N018591/1
- NERC : NE/S016155/1
- Oracle Cloud
- AppsBroker
- Google Cloud
- Intel
- Microsoft
In addition, we are grateful for useful conversations and discussions with the following (again, no particular order)
- Gerardo Viedma : Oracle
- Phil Bates : Oracle
- Martin Hogg : Oracle
- Chad Arimura : Oracle
- Illias Katsardis : Google
- Peter McShane : AppsBroker
- Geoff Newell : AppsBroker
- Kenji Takeda : Microsoft