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2021 03 04

Chris Little edited this page Mar 4, 2021 · 8 revisions

Environmental Data Retrieval API SWG Meeting 45

14:00 UTC (07:00 MST, 09:00 EST, 14:00 GMT, 15:00 CET, 22:00 CST, Friday 01:00 AEDT)


Agree Agenda and IPR Call

Minutes/Notes of previous meeting

API coordination:

  • @cmheazel agreed to work ... to harmonize Common part 2 and Coverages

  • API-Features parts 1 & 2, Core, CRS approved. In pipeline (all names subject to change), could eventually move to OGC API Common:

    • “Users Guide” in development.
    • Part 3 Filtering & Common Query Language (CQL) using common spatial, temporal & comparison operators and combinations. May become 2 documents: CQL standard, CQL in GET on a Features resource. Two representations: plain text and JSON. Public Review by January 2021.
    • Part 4 Simple Transactions change features using HTTP POST on a Feature or PUT/DELETE/PATCH on a Feature resource. Public Review by June 2021.
    • Part 5 OpenAPI 3.1 allow OpenAPI 3.1 for API definitions with JSON Schema draft 2019-09, or 2020-12, for description of schema components, avoiding having JSON Schema and OpenAPI schema variant. Planned schedule depends on OpenAPI 3.1 and tools: Public Review within 6 months.
    • Part 6 Property Selection specify query parameters to reduce returned properties of a feature. Public Review by June 2021.
    • Part 7 Geometry simplification specify query parameter to indicate scale/zoom level for display. The returned curve/surface/solid geometries will be simplified accordingly. Public Review by October 2021.
    • Part 8 Schemas Public Review by June 2021. Specify: queryable properties of features to use in filter expressions; returnable properties included in feature representations; storage properties that are processed in requests changing a feature; sortable properties to sort features in Features responses.
    • Part 9 Queries specify path element search for GET/POST on multi-collection queries. Path /collections/{collectionId}/search for a single collection. Support for stored/persistent queries will be considered.

Current Candidate EDR API Specification

  • Progress of e-vote: 22 YES, 7 Abstain, 4 NO (quorum achieved)

  • Outstanding Issues:

  • Outstanding Pull Requests:

  • Update Documentation on GitHub:

Next version/work discussion:

  • BODC said that their pilot of EDR API would be using some of these datasets:
    • British Oceanographic Data Centre - oceanographic data
    • UK Hydrographic Office - bathymetry data
    • Met Office - metocean data
    • DASSH - marine species and habitats data
    • British Geological Survey - geology and geophysics data
    • Cefas and Marine Scotland - fisheries data
    • Archaeology Data Service/Historic Environment Scotland/Ancient & Historic Monuments of Wales - marine historic environment data

Any Other Business

  • Any special items for the OGC TC Members meeting on Thursday 26 March 2021

Date of Next Meeting



  • Chris Little
  • James Kreft
  • Boyl Shangguan
  • Igor Andruska
  • Mark Burgoyne
  • Pavol Novotny
  • Peter Trevelyan
  • Shane Mill
  • Tom Kralidis
  • Steve Olson

Agenda: agreed

Previous minutes: agreed

IPR call: done

  • Group discussed how to standardise the approach to internationalization, all agreed that schemas should default to English and the SWG will add internationalization to future work.

Outstanding issues: Closed several

Outstanding Pull Requests: #235,#239,#240 Closed

Next meeting: 11/03/2021 14:00 UTC

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