This Shiny application provide an easy tool for designing a sampling grid for field inventories
and for visual remote sensing data analysis. You can use this tool to create a sampling grid also for
Open Foris Collect Earth.
The sampling grid can be delineated with the help of an imported (polygon or multipolygon) shapefile, or just by
giving in the coordinate reference system (CRS) and extent of the area of interest (AOI).
The application can create a systematic network of points and these are called as ‘clusters’. Each cluster
can contain 1-x sampling points, and these are called as ‘plots’. The user should define the AOI, distances
between clusters in X (West-East) and Y (South-North) directions. A hexagonal grid is also available.
User's Guide is here (PDF)
17 August 2022
Lauri Vesa and Stefano Giaccio, FAO
version: 1.3